"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Two the Charm? Manly knitting update....


Picassa had a hiccough and spit out the first post about this into cyberspace. Sooooo, here is a simpler one, a post with just a few words about kitchnering the bag, the toe, then felting the bag. IF the red blob comes out nicely, I will not subject it to the treatment I've heard felted things are sometimes subjected to. I will not drive over it several times, in the street, with the Bounder and then boil it in a couldron full of water on a wood fire in the back yard at midnight. Even though I reaaaally feel like punishing something, ANYTHING, at the moment.

UPDATE: His computer is on the fritz, so that's where the knitting time has gone. As we all know, IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING!!


  1. Yep, always something! Here it's kids who need food! All of the time!

  2. The market bag will turn out beautifully I believe. I am soooo into red right now. And... come on Peri, pick up those needles and start clicking : D

  3. Wow...you are getting so close to done with the market bag. :-) I keep meaning to make myself another one. LOL

  4. AR, I remember feeding a lot of kids. It was like being chained to the kitchen stove. But I love feeding people.. should I say, "loved?" I'm not sure I want to do much of it anymore. There was a book out where the author claimed that the average woman (of the 60's) had cooked 40,000 chickens be the time she hung up the oven mitts.

    Well, wabbitmom, I had my hopes about that bag. You've seen what is going on. If I cut out the bottom and weave in elastic, and wear it upside down, I could have a bun warmer. A little itchy probably. Ah that Peri! He has new yarn and new needles, and I will have to start him up again. He really does want to do this. Only God understands why, but Peri does want to learn to knit.

    Rissa, *cough* I'm not sure you want one. *cough* I'm beginning to wonder how the first one turned out so well, the one in the picture on the free pattern. It has to be this mystery weaver's yarn, which showed EVERY sign of being 100% wool. I'll put it in an even bigger pan if it's in the garage, and boil the devil out of it.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..