"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Yesterday Morning ...

B and Jazz

Two nights ago I showed Bo the video called, "Real Men Knit". And yesterday morning, he asked me about some slippers that I'd made for him as they were wearing out, and he really likes them. I told him I would make him another pair.

The next question he asked me was, "Do you think I could learn to knit some like them?" I started smiling from the inside and said, "Of course, you can!". I told him I believe that nearly everyone can learn how to knit. They just have to be patient with themselves, decide that speed is not the issue in the beginning, and that he would see that it could be a lot of fun.

He struggled with his knitting off and on for that whole day. He brought the swatch to bed and knitted along with me until he was too tired to keep his eyes on the needles, and they had fallen out of his knitting a half dozen times. The first thing he picked up was his knitting this morning, and patiently continued. I'm going to get him some large stubby needles and some thicker than WW yarn out of the stash. Metal size 10s are just not cutting it.

I promise piccies when he consents to them but right now he is struggling with his needles and yarn. But, I think I'm going to have knitting buddy. and how cool is that? Yeay!

And now the knitting progress report: The bag handles are 1/4th done( meaning I have one of the wings getting up to the skinny part. The socks are 3/4th done. I've decided to put some decoration on them but it's a secret. Simple but nice. Piccies in the morning!


  1. WOW!! I just luv it! I think that knitting and quilting can both be "manly" arts. They are an engineer's dream craft with all the calculations, etc. (except for me of course, I am probably too forgiving and accepting of my errors, LOL). Good job!

  2. Dream on dear....HI BOB!

  3. er, steve, I take it that's a "no way!". from your corner. ROTFLOL!

    wabbitmom, Bob's been keeping busier today. Time will tell, but he really seems to like knitting, just feels like he's never going to get the stitches to stay on the needles. New bamboo needles and bigger yarn should turn the tide.

    *still chuckling*

  4. That is so cool! Watch out, though, he'll want your good yarn soon!

    I have taught a few little boys in my classes. He'll get it!

    Awesome, Bo!

  5. HI steve :D
    I am truly impressed by anyone who can master this skill. They make it look sooooo easy. It is simple but not easy.

  6. Great! I think it's wonderful that he is learning to knit! Keep us posted on his progress.

  7. I love to hear about men knitting. It seems odd to me that more men don't; there's a technical side to things and a sense of accomplishment that a lot of men really seem to like. Why is woodworking so popular among men, but not knitting? Too soft and cuddly?

    My husband CAN knit. He must have learned when he was younger. He'll do a row of stockinette, but that's it.

  8. How nice is that! Now there's another reason to buy more yarn.

    Yes, I'm blogging again. Took a long break :-)

  9. ar, he still doesn't know good yarn from bad yarn, but he does know what he likes. Lol! How nice that little guys are learning to knit. I did know one teen boy who knit when we were in high school, but it was a very well kept secret. He told me he'd kill me if I ever let anyone know. hehe. And Bob says "thank you, ar".

    rissa, tis cool, but he feels better working on his computer atm. More qualified, so to speak. I must hurry up and get some better needles.

    Karen, Hi.. and so do I. I sooo want a knitting buddy. Maybe he can get good enough to make his OWN blessed aran sweaters. tee hee

    Jessie, I told him about "purl" when he said, " Well, that stitch looks different. What is it?" I'd been trying to keep the awful truth from him about Purl. And yes, most of knitting is too soft and cuddly.. LOL over that. If they only knew how much money can be made inventing knitting gadgets they would be all over this knitting thang.

    LadyV, welcome back to blogger lands. =0) I missed reading your blog updates. Oh, yes, I've figured I'll move him onto socks and then start him loving the really expensive sock yarn and from there who knows where this will take us? hehe *wicked, evil grin*

    OOOps.. Buhahahahaha!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..