"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Would it be so bad?

I didn't like what was going on with Gretchen, so I've spent a half a day (yes, it's just me because this should be easy to do) trying to get it cast on. This shawl is a beautiful Pi style shawl, and so, of course, it starts in the middle. If I can't get it cast on with figure eight or regular cast on in the next day or so of consistently trying, I am just going to crochet the first row and pick up stitches around the edge. I don't think it will matter to anyone at all since the yo'rs occur on the second row out anyway. Has anyone ever tried this? I do not know, but I'd be VERY surprised if they had not.


72 stitches on Gretchen. Gawd I am tired. But very happy.

I'll just sneak up in the fingerless gloves again and knit them for solace. I had to steal their needles for a time. I hope they don't slap me around.

Maybe I will go sit in the corner and eat all the Christmas fudge. Oh that sounds so good!

My brother, who is a carpenter (framing and finish carpenter no less) is in town! I can consult him on the kitchen and the built in china cabinet that DH is going to build me. If it's not totally illegal, I will post a picture here of what I want built. This is not asking too much of DH, since I asked for this to be mine by the time I was 35, to have one built by the time I was 45. I am now 64.

Happy New Year!

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..