"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Extreme Designing

This is a new design for those knife wielders out there. I am working out the details of the clever cross-the-palm pocket for holding stilletos and, er, maybe sharpened spoons and forks for you shut-aways.

Back to real knitting news: At one point last night, in my normal zombie state of late night knitting, AND with fuzzy thinking full on, too, I thought I was following the pattern closely. However, I ended up with the pinky stitches on the same side as the thumb nubbin. Oh my! That would never work. Sooooo, I just did what I had to do to get that pinkie back over on the other side of the hand, where you see it now.

I can't WAIT to re-misinterpret the pattern for the right glove. The glove has now grown a pinkie nubbin, and I am trying to figure out what all the nonesense in the pattern, between the pinky and the thumb, actually means, and how I'll get back from the edge finger. Fear of small circumference knitting is developing.

As many have said in the KR, "Slog ON!"
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  1. Gloves can be difficult for sure. It is looking good...we would never know you made a boo-boo if you had not told us about it. LOL

  2. I'm so glad my pattern only calls for a thumb. I was at the point that I needed to bind off and pull out the waste yarn marking the thumb spot, but was very scared!! So I brought it to my morning knit group yesterday for affirmation, plus some attagirls on my first cables - DH just doesn't get it : )

    You will have a happy recipient for those gloves as they are looking great!

  3. Rissa, they sure are, but I've now figured out the mechanics of building a glove and it's so fabulously logical that it's almost a song! Oh! I love to share boo boo's. Sharing them makes it all worthwhile, the gargantuan struggles with a picayune item. hehe Such drama in a quiet life!

    Annie, the thumb you are making on waste yarn is a little more scary--I've seen that pattern. On mine, t
    the fingers are fiddley and lots of little threads hanging around is all, and once you get past that it goes well. How sweet that you have a knitting group. Hope to see your lovely cabled ones soon. And yes, B is very excited about her gloves.

    Thanks Del, and hi there! :) To keep my memory on tract I've planned to make four more pair this year, and it's a good thing I like sewing up ends. Two of them will be your beautiful yarns in the blue/brown combos that are my favorites to wear.

  4. As long as it's not frog on, which is the way it goes at my house quite often.

  5. ar, frog on! I just frogged again. But, now it's "Cast on and knit again" time for the second glove.. I'm partway through the palm stitches again.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..