"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I changed that blog title...

The thing always bothered me as it was so awkward.

This is a political rant because what is happening has made me so angry that I'm not going to ignore it anymore.

I am freaking out about how fast things in the planet and in my country are starting to rip. How can more troops solve a problem that they never created? Was civil war in Iraq part of the cynical plan from the beginning? Was it something akin to calling for an uprising among the Kurds and Southern Shiites after Desert Storm and then abandoning them to their horrible fate?

When will someone tell Bush and Cheney, all their sycophants, and all their "have more" friends that they are very bad for our country, and this to their faces?

When will Americans be able to hear what the whole rest of the world knows about our leaders and the breaking of international law that stretches back for years?

I'm sorry, I can't knit well because my hands have been shaking in rage for quite a few weeks. I can see it in my ribbing and I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut; it's just that simple.

To any anonymous poster, if your rebuttals don't stay civil or helpful, they are gone....


  1. Zippi, I hear ya girl. And the thing that further worries me is the cost of this war on the planet, when we already face GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE.

    Damn hedonistic seflish SOBs is what they are.

    The shaking may be signs of something else though, you might want to ask your doc.

  2. Hi ceallach, thanks, and I can't agree with you more about SOBs in the White House. Plus, nearly 40% of our entire budget is on military expenditures, at last count, and it's about to get bigger. As you say there are HUGE costs to the environment this thing is causing as well. *tears out more hair* I guess this is all more tonnage of explosives for Mother Earth, plus getting it all there and putzing around the oceans and skies with big greasy machines!

    I will be seeing my Doctor next month, and thanks for you advice. My body tends to tremble (shell shock?) due to a nervous problem aggravated by stress. I really do need to go hide in a corner for awhile and read my Taoist tracts while drinking copious amounts of herbal tea. It will help to knit, too, if I can calm down.


  3. Hi Zippy, I wish our country had not sent troops into yet another unwinnable war. Somehow Howard manages to get his own way, and not much contrary opinion gets aired. The world would be a better place if lots more women were in power.

  4. I've tried hard to stay disengaged from the political scene since the election as I felt overwhelmed by all the bad gong on by either party. This, though, is so far beyond political, smacking of egotism and greed. Wait... that is politics.

    We can knit, do yoga in the sunshine and just plain gab here soon. I'm so looking forward to it!

  5. Hi JoanM, and I so wish this set of brainlessness,ego,and greed hadn't fallen together at this time and this place. And, yes, I tend to agree, in principle, that more women in politics would help us stay on issues for the people( like Scandinavian countries do) rather than what has been happening to date, an odious lust for world hegemony established by militaristic arrogance of power in a growing vacuum.

    Sadly, women, unlike men, would have to give up so much to win public office that it might still bring out the worst. That's my fear. But then I look at our two U.S. senators and see what good they do. They are such wonderful, hard working people! They listen to Californians and also work hard to do what is best for Americans, though they did sanction the war, sadly.

    Annie, Lol, yes, politics is that way, but this is far beyond the norm. It's virtually a group that is out of control, and I think we will see some moves made to save our democracy before long. It cannot stand much more. We can't have the errosion of rights to the point that journalists are not allowed to do their job. Freedom of the Press is essential to all other freedoms, and W is going after them hammer and tongs, through the administrative reach into the Pentagon.

    Also, I can't wait to knit in the semi-sun with you. I will have to stay under an umbrella. heehee... I promise to be very Taoist when you are here. I'm usually very, very quiet.

  6. If people would just listen more to their heart and brain and much less of their ego. If they would actually start to listen....

  7. Yes, Pugknits, I agree whole heartedly. The kind hearts would never be trampled, and Good would rule the world. I'm thinking more and more of that movie, "Dr. Strangelove".


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..