"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, January 5, 2007

The latest ABC MeMe

I picked this up from Rissa, of Rissa's Pieces, who got it from Joshilyn Jackson of Faster Than Kudzu blog

A- Available or single? I am singularily unavailable, have been for years, and am glad of it.

B- Best Friend? Mary Jane is my best friend, and we share a love of digging up, cutting up, and grinding of rocks. We like to make jewelry, selling it in the freeze-your-butt-off winter shows as well as the hot-as-hades summer ones. We also like baking nice tasty stuff, and gardening, and RVing with friends. We are pretty close when we remember to call each other.

C- Cake or Pie? Absolutely Pie! I like savory meat or cheese pies and sweet berry pies, cream pies and fruit pies. Lemon Meringue is the most fun pie to make.

D- Drink of Choice? Earl Grey, and it has to be decaf because it's all my stomache can stand anymore. Earl Grey tastes good with Pie!

E- Essential Item? I would not like to try to live without my camera. Second place has to go to my knitting needles, but you will have to pry them from my cold, dead fingers if anyone tries to take them away from me.

F- Favorite Color? Yellow. I can't wear it but if I could, that is what I would wear nearly all the time.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms? I don't eat non-chocolate candy because the carbs aren't worth it to me. Are there chocolate gummi bears? I would eat them, but not worms. nooo noo nooo...

H- Hometown? Hollywood. It's the closest thing to Hometown I will ever have. I was conceived there before my Dad was sent off to boot camp and my mom followed him around the country.

I- Indulgence? Chocolate French silk Pie. Jacuzzi whirlpool bathing in candlelight.

J- January or February? February because that's when the Carolina Cherry trees bloom and they are the hallmark of Spring for my city. I love to see their white blossoms all over town.

K- Kids and names? Kids, four DDs, I will only say that they carry names of classical English actresses or authors, with the addition of my DD2 having the name of my favorite maternal auntie.

L- Life is incomplete without? Learning to love unconditionally. For me, that is the be all and end all of perfect surrender to the deepest laws of the universe.

M- Marriage Date? October 26th, and I am the one who always forgets the anniversary. DH brought roses home late one day, and I was watching him come to the house with them, thinking, "What on earth is this all about?" It was our anniversary. He gets the biggest kick out of surprising me on that day with a card or flowers. I've remembered only once in 43 years, and that's because I had to get the baby sitter.

N- Number of Siblings? Two brothers and one sister. One brother died a long time ago but we always remember him. My sister, brother and I are close emotionally and we get along well. We always did. My brother and I protect our "little sister".

O- Oranges or apples? Anymore, I can only eat apples. I like them raw or cooked. They are lovely and have a delicious fragrance. We used to go pick them in two of the more famous mountain communities in SoCal, Oak Glen and Alpine, that you can do that in.

P- Phobias/Fears? Fire! Brush fires and House fires. I watched a farm house burn down a couple of farms away one night when I was three, and I just absolutely freak about fire.

Q- Favorite Quote? "For God hath not given us the Spirit of Fear, but of Power, and of Love, and of a sound Mind." 2 Timothy 1:7..

R- Reason to Smile? People who are kind and humorous, both family and friends. Also, my darling little golden bear of a dog.

S- Season? I like Winter. It's the only time it nearly the perfect temperature all day in the house, and the air gets clean and crisp in the winter here.

T- Tag three people! I'm not sure who may have already done this. Lynne who lives on the edge of the woods in the New Jersey wilds, or Allie who knits away in the USA, or AR who is really bloggin' hot this month!

U- Unknown Fact About Me? What I haven't revealed about myself before, I might not want the kids to know! Sheesh.. let me think about this one. I used to sing solos in grade school and high school in the choirs. I kept singing after I got married but the kids know that already.

V- Vegetable you hate? The only vegetable that I can't stand the smell of is the black eyed pea.

W- Worst habit? Eating burned popcorn. I love it really carbonized, and it's probably not good for a body.

X- X-Rays you’ve had? Many, many ex-rays of my legs, back, lungs, and CTs of my head from childhood to the present, with ex-rays of my broken wrist and hand being the most recent.

Y- Your favorite food? Any sort of cheese.

Z- Zodiac? An fabulous and useful inflatable boat I would love to have. Yes, I know :O) I was born in the Cusp of Capricorn and Sagittarius. Born under a bad sign.


  1. Cool! I'll do it. I'm drinking Lady Grey tea right now. Tastes good with pie. LOL. :)

  2. The carbon should be fine for you...but it would put me in mind of pumping stomachs and filtration systems. LOL

  3. Yeay! ar I will go read it. I've been lax in my blogging.

    Rissa, it's that scientist in you! Now I can happily eat my burnt popcorn with no fear. =0)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..