"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

New little needles to poke into my palms?


I'm really happy with these little needles that I found online here. She got them out wiki wiki! Very pleased am I! I couldn't find them locally so got them online. Even got onesies and twos, too. They are five inch Clovers. Tres Kewl. (NA- or is that NAFTA? blah blah and so forth.)

The glove has only two fingerlets to go, and I will do that this evening as well as to tie up all the ends and pull up any wee holes. I found that the pattern was a little tricky, and that I could pretty much ignore the thing about marking the round. I just used the base of the thumb and measured all stitches from there.

I've been so crabby lately. It's horrible to be this crabby!!! I really need to BITE something! I've got to get a tee shirt like one I saw in the paper this morning. ( It had a picture of a BIG CRAB on it). And, speaking of said RAG!...I read the paper on Sunday and sometimes wish I didn't. It's a useless fish wrapper for international or political news. They trashed the new Congressionals. Ya, I know, Reddest damn spot in a Blue State. Anyway, this is the paper that reported glowingly for years on Duke Cunningham in his career. Oh my, well, there's another big fish they missed! Duh!

See, I'm crabby...

Here's a little love... this is the umpteenth time I've done this so Bloglines subs, I send you deep blue sea apologies..


  1. When I am crabby, I chalk it up to the fact that my sun sign is Cancer! LOL Seriously, we all deserve the space to have negative emotions now and again. :-D

    5 inch DPNs poke my palms too. Sometimes it drives me batty.

  2. Your gloves are coming along nicely and wow, I don't think I'd even attempt gloves with fingers, so cheers for you!

    I'm still trying to finish my Magic Loop sock and to be honest, I don't see what all the fuss is about this method. I think I'll wind up staying with either 2 circs or dpns.

  3. Hahaha! Good one Rissa! If only I could blame the sun signs. *sighs* My sign is Capricorn moody little goat!)but also the BD is in the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn, so I should just be deviously evil. hehe. Hmmm.. I'll have to ask DH if I am. Well, maybe not. ;o} And yes, the little short DPNs are hard to knit with except when doing the fingers of gloves or starting out the middle of a Pi shawl. I'm looking forward to starting "Gretchen" ... again.. using Del's link. My MIL is getting better so I'm not focused so much on DHs anxiety problems.

    Laura, thankyou, but you should try gloves, as they are pretty easy once you get the idea. It's like an ice skater, going round and round in different sized connected circles. Oh, that magic loop just hurt my hands, and I never even looked back after trying it once. I ran right back to my little DPNs. Two circs looks a lot fiddlier, and I dislike things that dangle like that, clacking unmelodiously. Now wind chimes, those are great. But I have been known to nail something to a wall that didn't stop flipping in the wind and banging. No, it wasn't alive, just irritating.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..