"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Grader with an old tractor attached


Say, it was fitted out for a tractor in the past. Anyone want to see some old tractors? I'm not going to drive you mad with that, or the old gas stations. Hehe

Knitting news is that Gretchen, the beauty, is out to 144 stitches, and I can't WAIT to get it onto the circular needles. The center looks like a perfect tiny hole with no ridges. It was cast on and knit though the temptation to crochet that center almost got the better of me.
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  1. My mom's family comes from a Wisconsin dairy farming background. Last fall, we went to a thresheree at her grandparents' home, which is now a state historic site. The celebrations included an antique tractor parade--there were some wonderful, chugging old machines.


  2. Hey Zippi! I was just getting ready to go to your blog when your comment on my (OLD) blog popped up. I'm still around. Come on over to my new blog for a visit (I've already added your site)

    What a wonderful looking old tractor...I love antiques.

  3. Gheez, you take the best pictures. I hope you don't mind, but I often save them in my documents to use for inspiration for my watercolors.

    This tractor picture is a great example!

    Very nice.. Miss Artsie-Fartsie.:-)

  4. Sarah-Hope, Vee and Trish I tried out my new comment answering system on you. Only it's sort of scrambled at the moment. I'll figure it all out!

    Thanks for your comments. Sarah-Hope, I'm going to knit some more of your hat patterns. They are great and my family loves hats.

    Vee, I'm so glad you are blogging again. Sometimes it's hard. When I get a little less than "chirpy" I sort go into torpor. =0)

    Trish, I love to be inspirational, and have no problem with that. I used to think I'd make a sound living with painting but well, life happens and living is an art, too. A great art, too, ya think? =o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..