"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My little Haul


DH took me to the LYS for new needles, addi turbos, of the right size for the aran sweater. They are the step up needles for the 301 stitches around the bottom. Something is confusing me though, this apparently has no ribbing only a garter stitch along the bottom. I better read it again. While we were there I discovered Malebrigo Yarns. MMMMMM... yummy yarn! The LYSO I have definitely seen somewhere before but I can't remember where. Some day it will pop into my head. She is a very nice lady. Also, I picked up two little skeins of a bamboo, cotton and elastic blend for socks for DD1, who can't wear wool at ALL. The book in the pic is a felted purse book that will hopefully lead me down the proper road to a felted masterpiece of a tote. I don't want anymore mystery yarns or bad felting technique to rob me of Joy.

I finished knitting Moo hat, for project spectrum and yes I'm behind, to the decreases, going back to in-the-round knitting at the crown. Don't ask me why, it's just a brain storm. If it gets really ugly I will rip it out and start over on the decreases. It's farrow rib and already not normal.

The Gretchen shawl got a boost from a lot of suggestions from the KR Lace Hotline, and I'll show you a piture of that Pi shawl tomorrow sometime. The needles for lace from Skacel are already on order but I'm going to slog through this til they come with either a crochet hook or a slip three and bring the yarn around the backside in a surprise move that should trick that last stitch into compliance. Knitting should never outsmart a human. It just obscene that it should!

The Trekker boot sock is coming along beautifully, and I ordered more yarn for boot socks for DH. He is very pleased. I got me some of the delicious red from Caradon Farms for me, too.

Easter Dinner was lovely, and I got to talk to my SIL that we usually go camping with and catch up a little on her life, and I knit on the trek boot socks while my other SIL knit on her felting project. It was a sweet and peaceful time. Hope your Holidays were all Lovely, too.

Tomorrow I'm going to pull more weeds in the sun, make several new Post Cards, sew more quilt together and knit more. Maybe I might even get a 30 minute walk if my ankle behaves itself. I've noticed that they minute I post somewhere that I'm commited to walking, the body starts in playing spoiler.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..