"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Started knitting again, and a little Beauty to share....


Trish, I think it was you, Trish, said that she thought the background for the post cards was a bit of beauty, too, so I will share it and tell you what it is. There were two pieces in the picture and this one is boulder opal. Some of our friends brought it back from Australia.

I've picked up and knit on the sock, the glove and now the Aran sweater when I go watch a movie shortly. I'm going to watch To Dance With the White Dog.

Today was a day to run around and get things done at the Social Security office, so I'm going to knit and watch a movie now. Yes, I'm now an official senior citizen. The social security office here is friendly and the agents (Lordy, that sounds like the FBI or something) are hard working, efficient and kind.

Still waiting for May to be here and the new lace needles. Then, Gretchen!
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  1. What lovely colors in that stone!

    I get such inspiration for mixing colors in my knitting from pictures like these.

    You can't go wrong using them as your guide.

  2. That is a gorgeous rock.

    Congrats on becoming an official senior citizen ;-)

  3. Trish, I agree. I think the agates are good color inspirations, in quilting and sewn clothing, too. Although, that one piece reminds me, up close, of a slice of cold prime rib. lol

    Karen, hi and thanks. I have to quash the rising urge to pontificate on issues now, though. heehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..