"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

And completing the trio of night bloomers......

  An Eppy. This is one of the original un- hybridized fragrant, night blooming Epiphylums. Gosh I love cactus flowers.
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  1. Beautiful! I wish I could smell it!

  2. wow, that flower is absolutely gorgeous! I can't even begin to imagine how amazing it probably smells!

  3. Lovely pictures . I followed you here to your blog from Rho's and have loved browsing.

  4. What a dynamic photo...I love it! Just beautiful.

  5. Yet another great photo for my "some day" watercolor collection. :-)

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comments on the Aby kittens - I will only be (hopefully)getting just one of these 3 (I would love to have them all!!!) and will get another one in a few months time!!I will be posting more about them in a few weeks. Your cactus flowers are absolutely stunning - such beautiful photos. Happy Knitting!

  7. Everyone thanks for stopping by and for your comments.

    sarah-hope and g-girl, the fragrance is almost like a Gardenia but more subtle. It's lovely. Think fragrant lilies.

    gill, thanks. I'm always looking forward to spring when the eppies bloom. They are so lovely.

    Hi, Trish. Watercolors are amazing. I'm glad to provide a little inspiration.

    Lucy, the kittens are so cute. I hope that you will get two purrfect companions for your family and for each other. They are beautiful cats. And there's nothing like starting early to see the babies you would like. I first saw Jazzie when he was 7 weeks but still didn't commit. After all, a pet is a big commitment and we were going to travel. I'm so glad I changed my mind. I'll never forget that tiny puppy that danced into our lives. wow.. getting all teary and all.. sheesh.. sniffle. heehee

  8. fragrant lilies, you say? I'm in heaven imagining that eppy's scent now! :)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..