"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Eight Random Things About Me MEME

Rho sort of issued an APB on her blog to anyone who would like to take up the Eight Random Things MEME and run with it. I told her I would. I will not be tagging anyone but, like Rho, I will say that if you haven't been tagged and you would like to do this fun MEME, just Go For It Wild Thang!

First here are the rules as are required to be posted:

The rules:
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Eight Random Things About me... and boy are they ever random....

1. I like long fingernails until they start getting in the way, then I cut them all off short. The longest my fingernails have been in the last year is 3/4th of an inch off the tip of the fingers, and that was because my arm was in a cast.

2. I love Ravens, not Crows, but Ravens. They have always fascinated me. One reason is that, like Parrots, they can learn how to talk. I like the way they clack their beaks.

3. I'm nearly four inches shorter than I was when I was 20 years old.

4. When the kids all moved out I wanted to have a pack of five very tiny dogs. It would have been cute to walk them all and I could have five different breeds of dog without too much space. Soon, however, we started to go rock hounding to the desert with our group, and decided on NO dogs because most of the ones we saw out in the desert weren't well behaved, no matter what size they were. Now we have one tiny poodle who costs enough in upkeep as 5 dogs his size anyway.

5. I play on line games and love them. They are really fun. I get to kill BIG monsters with awesome looking weapons and armor I make myself. I like dressing my paper dolls, and making things for other players, too.

6. I was a certified intramural Basketball referee in High School. I still have my card and the whistle that was sort of a trophy piece for passing the exams. I love Basketball but can no longer play any contact sport.

7. I'm a Glass Half full kinda person, but I think too much maintaining this attitude. Perhaps it's best to switch, now, so that I can stop thinking so much.

8. I went all the way through Brownies and Girl Scouts and was a Senior Scout. I'm still pretty proud of that. Scouting is a great thing, if you get a good leader. My Co-leaders were not very nice people, and my two girls suffered when they were in Brownies. It was really a shame they couldn't share my good experiences.


  1. I sure hope this posts. I hate to be annonymous, but it's me.. Annie!! I've had a tuff time with blogger lately. Just needed to drop in and say hi. Loved the cactus and puppy pics : )

  2. cool things - but I would never think you were a glass half full person .....


    Thanks for picking up the APB

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That is my delete up there. I've been into a death spiral here on the ice, over a glass of water. Lol.

    I must just say that I am an optimist...

    Rho, You're welcome. And I should have just said I'm an optimist but instead I got all cutesy! Yes, I am an optimist.

    Hi hi, Annie! Thanks for peeking in and it's ok to be annon. That's the way blogger deals with people, and frankly, I don't like that either. BTW, we had an awesome Ploderus Hunt on the old mud ball last night, and I thought that you and Keetch would have loved it.

  5. I didn't like GS, but Lil' AR loves it. I believe a great leader does make that difference. :)

    p.s. Jazz's haircut is so cute.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..