"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Why Pi?

Why doesn't the circumference of a circle come out even? Is the unit we call on inch to small, or maybe too big? Does anyone know? Does anyone care? I do but then I want things to be perfect.


  1. it's because pi are square and a circle is round maybe?

  2. Well Duh woman.. it's a ratio. I thought you knew that. What's this inch thang?

    A friend who knits is a friend in need. LOL!

  3. Kooky, you win the chocolate chip kookie!

    What was I thinking?

    "Ok, Everyone back to their knitting!" (Famous quote from somewhere that completely escapes me. So much is these days, no surprise!)

  4. thanks for your kind words and for visiting my blog!
    ...so i appeared under a "felt water bottle cover" search...pretty amusing.
    anyway, i'm glad you like it, it's great to get feedback.

  5. The quote is from Harry Potter. Love those books...

    Pi, an infinate and ever adapting fudge factor, which should explain why nothing in nature is perfectly round. Perfection in imperfection!

  6. simply olive, 'twas a pleasure. Isn't Google a kick in the head? heehee. Thanks for your knitting blog. Inspirational for this slacker.

    Meribeth, so right, plus we must never forget the fact that everything in nature is curved even when it looks perfectly FLAT! I blame Newton. ;0) And thanks for the heads up on that quote. I thought maybe Dickens? lol He was so droll.

  7. Sorry you're having trouble with Pi =/ Perhaps it will block out?

  8. Hi Carrie! Thanks for your comment. It was a little bit of a trick rant.

    That silly Miss Gretchen is fine, once she revealed her location to me after a trip to the Bayside nearly put her out of reach - under a car seat.

    But Pi, that miserable, unequal ratio of a circle's circumference to the square of it's radius, is not. I really fear that Pi, being an enigma within a conundrum shrouded in mystery, will put many a future student off math as a life career. ;o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..