"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

An Appeal for a very big hearted doggie..

Pugknits is having a drawing, of some of her wonderful wool yarns and dyed fleece, which you can enter for a donation to the Fund for Jack, A Great Pyrenees. These are huge dogs and they are used to guard flocks of sheep. She knows this dog and knows his history and felt compelled to try to help him get the surgery to save his life.

You can go to his Site, set up by Friends of Jack, or to Pugknits blog for more information. I'm going to go dig through my stash for a tidbit or two.


  1. Lella,
    thank you very much a gazillion times!

  2. Any time, Pugknits. I'm very happy to help.

    A little later, I'll post a pic of some Lorna's Laces which will be for the drawing. You can grab that photo and post it where you want it on the site for Jack.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..