"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


This MEME was started by LiVeBAiTSandwiches and it's a lot of fun. You can see where we've been digging things, if you are a rockhound that is, and you can sure tell that I love to read Mysteries. I like all mysteries, even non fiction ones that attempt to answer the big unknowns, like " Why are we here?". I also love to read, and attempt to write, poetry. So enjoy the book shelves MEME and join in! I don't think there are any rules, so far. Have a great day.

We have had two sort of bad things happen and are cringing while we wait for the legendary third to roll in. A major clean up in the craft room has been necessary after some lye,used to soap making, decided to leak into some shelves.

The second bad thing is that toilet guts quit working properly. Some will remember the discussion in KR about toilets lasting forever? Well, the guts, as Chemcats pointed out, don't. I'm not completely sure that the toilet wasn't listening to DH and I discussing how good it had been to us. Ah.. modern Plumbing. Well, got to go spray more vinegar on that lye leak. Tata!
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  1. Love the shelf! 'Leaves of Grass' had a wonderful thing going with other bloggers shelves last year.. I clicked on it to see all your wonderful book and knick-knacks :) Yes, the art pad I found once and had fun just doodling for free! Love the green!

  2. Ew! Lye!
    I love your Kokopelli rocks, especially the one on the left. A fun collection of things!

  3. My bookshelves are filled with everything too!

    Thanks for the advice. As far as a grow light, I would if I didn't have so many windows in my house. It will just be a matter of finding the right placement to make the light happy for each individual plant.

    The were all recently moved from their old spot for Christmas and haven't been moved back. Perhaps that would be better.

    As far as the ones I didn't ask about, it the prayer plant the one that spills over the side of the pot?

  4. PJ, I did remember that I'd seen some bookshelves but wasn't sure. Thanks! And thanks also for the comment on the green. It's so hard to find a decent pastel green in the color band. This is about the best there is for Spring. Jane already has that delicious yellow. :-) Glad you enjoyed the art pad link.

    Howdy, Sallyjo,and thanks. I cropped it down from a very wide picture. Less overwhelming. Those Modern "artifacts" came from Canyon de Chelly and were made by a Navajo artist and his nephew, one at the top of the ancient ruins and one at the bottom. The boy scoffed when I said I'd treasure his but I really do like it best. Funny. I wonder how he's doing now. He had that certain something in his nature. Gifted, you would call it, I suppose.

    Melissa, thanks for visiting and looking at the shelf. Oh yes, shelves are made to hold little personal treasures. I do wish someone else came in to do the dusting though. *cough* And yes, that's a prayer plant. Everything will pick up again in spring. Happy indoor gardening! It's almost as fun as outdoors, and, not as many weeds! =o\ weeds.. grrrr...

  5. I am loving seeing everyone's shelves! Love the rocks.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..