"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

An open letter about Palin

This was posted on a forum that I read, and it's one very brave lady who wrote it.

It refutes the comment that the firing of the librarian, and the reasons for it, were lies.

I think of Ann Kilkenny is a very brave woman, and someone who heeded the call to all Americans, to "Psst! Do Something!" when they hear about something that could hurt the United States for real, not yellow or orange alerts or other "terrorist threat" blathering by the government.

Ann Kilkenny's Open Letter

A NEW link, through Snopes.com if the one above is not working.


  1. If this letter is thirty percent true, that's bad enough. I've known people like the woman outlined in the letter, and I sure wouldn't want one to be vice president of a cookie drive.

  2. k, thanks for your comment, and I think I know exactly what you mean. She's too aggressive, vindictive, and unbending to work well with others.

  3. All my life I've heard the mantra "Tax-and-Spend Democrats." It's become clear that we need another mantra: "Borrow-and-Spend Republicans."

    What ever happened to "Pay as you go"? If I ran my household budget like G.W. Bush and Sarah Palin run their budgets, my house would be foreclosed and I'd be in bankruptcy.

  4. One more ignorant bully for the Bully Boys. I could accept people supporting the Rep. ticket if there was one shred of logic to it. Yet there is none, and we seem to be racing to the ultimate Rapture that some lemmings are looking forward to.

    Thanks for posting.


  5. That link is now a 404 page. I found the letter copied to http://www.mindsay.com/comments/ubu13/193 and a couple of other forums, but I don't know how long before it will be stricken.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..