"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Post Script...

I just picked this up off of a Washington Post article...

"Senior U.S. government officials were deeply disappointed -- they had hoped that Kuwait, an American ally, would find a way to detain Ajmi for years -- but they refrained from any public criticism. At the very least, the officials figured, Kuwaiti authorities would keep a close watch on him. And they expected Ajmi to move on, to put his Guantanamo experience behind him, to get a job and settle down after his time in one of the toughest prisons on the planet."

This is where the article is.

Do those State department idiots really think that people can be put through what we have never admitted to, but which some of those detained have not LIVED through, and come out anything but insane?

What would their OWN reactions be to such treatment, particularly when innocent as charge and locked away in some hell hole?

If this is all some insane sort of Karma, then these people need another planet to "practice" on each other. Right now, I want them ALL off the planet for the sake of the rest of us.

Thank you Magnusmog for your comment on the first post. Yes, a lot needs to be answered. We can start out with the cretins in this country's Mutant Department of State!!


  1. Kuwait is an ally, right? They couldn't let him talk abut Guantanamo. If they had, maybe he and the thirteen soldiers would be alive.

  2. To Answer your question, no, they couldn't let him talk about Guantanamo.

    Kuwait, the rulers anyway, have a very interesting relationship with the United States. Maybe someone else will piece it all together some day. You know, actually ask the royalty there why so much of the "reparations" money ended up re-building villas for them before a dime went into infrastructure. And, why they DID syphon off oil from the fields in Iraq. You know, one of those little things to twist the tail of the strawman Hussein, who had grown little teeth. You know, the little stuff that starts major flare ups which can allow the Big Mutant Gorilla types to land their billion dollar armed apparatus. Did the rulers of Kuwait have encouragement or maybe even outright cart Blanch to do provocative things? I have a lot of questions I'd ask them if I were in a position to.

    There is so much we don't know about what is going on in the Middle East, all of it done in the name of the American people. Why is this?

    Who are these hairless apes who dress in designer three piece suits, wear $2,000 wingtips, and who ride the top of a 6 billion member human population, on several sizable chunks of the planet, doing what they want, when they want to. You know who they are.

    They are those strange, flat faced primates who think that everything and every one has a price - the ones who put a price on everything, and believe everything is a commodity, and that means your child, my child, everyone's child.

    I've been trying to understand the difference between my understanding of compassion, humane behavior and human scale development, against their ideas of the acquisition of wealth and power. How did they get to have so much say over the lives and futures of Billions of people who don't share their greed. Can't we just ace them out of the equation at some point? I have hope.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..