You can sign on to get emails from the President on Healthcare, and cut out the bogus chat by highly paid spammers and other agents of misinformation.
We deserve a world class health care system; it's OUR money that we've paid into a fund that the POLITICIANS are supposed to be allocating where WE want it to go. We are not Serfs.
We really do, each of us, have to do what ever it takes to get this fixed because if Japan or England or Canada can have it, so can we. We can have an even better system, if we can get the vultures out of the middle.
The richest nation in the world doesn't have complete health care for all the children? That's an obscenity! How stupid a system is that? Remember, the industry is spending $1,400,000 a DAY, to obfuscate.
We can't quit because this is our children's future lives. The bought and payed for politicians, this is not to say they all are, but they know who they are, don't care about our children. They just do not care or they would NOT be taking money from a for-profit-industry like the health insurance companies to make sure we have this broken system that makes profits for shareholders as if sick people were a commodity being traded on a stock market! They would be fighting for US, their true employers. Last time I looked it was still our country, all ours, you and me and the family next door.
This is what the President's plan offers.
Here is another article, written by Ford Fox, a Physician who runs a rehab center, and who approves the President's plan and explains why, and how it will work to right some wrongs in the present system.
There's a lot going on that is good. We just have to jeer at the paid Hyenas - Not to insult another innocent animal again or anything.
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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..