"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Everywhere you look, Fractals are busy.


We live on a gorgeous and fragile planet. Earth is absolutely unique and precious, and the web of life has become increasingly fragile.

My advice to people who couldn't care less about anything but money and power is to stop scaring the kids and get to work saving their world for them.
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  1. so hard yet so fragile! I agree. Like the juxiposition in your post :)

  2. Exactly, and thank you so much PJ.

    Once there was an article about the BIG BANG theory, and in it an Indian scientist (physicist) said that we never really know that much about the function for all the things we use up, nor how much the Creator of this universe would take from us before deciding to just flick us off into space. I do think of that a lot. hehe.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..