"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Want to Help?

Oxfam has a new initiative for food justice. Actually it's been going on since 1974 but things are really critical now.

Anna Kramer wrote this page for the Newsletter:

Sometimes pictures are exciting enough to get attention. And just for the mathematicians out there, 925 million people is just a tad short of a billion, or one sixth of the world population. My mother's generation and the people of Holland remember the starving times. We can stop this, if we make enough noise. It's not impossible to do. It just takes the will.

Oxfam America Speak out site

With so many things out of our control because of poverty of spirit among rich and greedy people who run things, this is a good project to get involved in.

Every little bit helps.

Today is my mother's birthday. With her skills as a small property farmer and as a seamstress, she kept her children fed and clothed. Happy Birthday, Mom. I love you wherever you are now.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..