"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ceramics, Flowers, knitting, Earthquake theory, and a lot of complaining.

First, my theory of the Peru, Washington DC connection- Earthquake connections. I think Peru, if you draw a straight line from it to Washington DC, is coming to get DC. Peru is doing this because of all the dastardly things DC has done to it.

Think about it.Peru has only to connect up to the Atlantic plate, but it's determined to do that, and come right up the Atlantic coast to DC. I'm thinking that the scientists there are already preparing the placards saying, "In your face, United States!"

Lacy Poppy

Unknown Flower

Another unknown

Ditto-maybe a poppy?

A Sign of the Times

Sago Palm with "Friend"

San Francisco Botanical Garden is a place of wonder for all who go there. The Garden has free days, and a family can take a picnic in with them to feast upon anywhere on the huge,sunny lawns. These pictures were taken in June two years ago, and the weather was mild and so wonderful. It is a favorite spot for our family to wander through.

Yesterday I went to ceramics club, and had a great time. We joked and laughed and had a good time. We also got the small puff deer ready for the glaze fire.

Ceramic Deer, just out of the Green ware fire
But, having said that it's only a matter of time for me to stay there.  I'm not as happy there anymore, but that's where the kilns are.  If this gathering were anywhere else, I could be happy.  But sometimes it makes me physically ill to be there because I really do hate conflict.   I think we just lost a new, good member because of the aggressive way they were treated by someone who should know better.  We also have a sneaky, underhanded weasel.  We'll see.  

I have my own kilns.  My sister says to use them once a year or so.  But since Enron calculated to screw California and Gray Davis, (please read all about it in, The Smartest Guys in The Room,  ( a review) or watch the documentary talked about HERE, ) we have had high rates.

They are too high to run a kiln through two firings very often.  In San Diego, some pretty big ceramic businesses when under water during that time because the rates went so high that  they couldn't fire for customers, and that was their death knell.  This actually happened all over California.  And we got an impeachment of our governor who was blamed.  The evil party machine of an unmentionable place (but the seventh level of you know what) was responsible for this indignity and they all laughed all the way to their respective organized crime organizations.

Our seniors ceramics club has survived by the grace of the city, though our hours and days had to be cut because the recreation centers have had the same thing happen to them.

Rho suggested that I find a big old project to knit on while recovering from my bionic knee insertion, so I picked the Large Travel Tote from Pursenalities

I've gathered the yarns for it for about two years, ones that have a proven FELTING history, and hopefully I also have needles big enough for this thing.  It's rather large.

Thanks everyone for reading, and thanks especially to those who comment from time to time.    I'm trying to divest myself from politics, except we have to get everyone to vote again, we just HAVE to do this.  Otherwise we can get another taste of voting fraud while half the nation looks the other way.

I'm going to go knit a second sock.  It's hurt, and I think it's even whining-and who better than I to recognize that?- about the fact  that I've ignored it so long.  But, at least it's in the bag with it's mate, snuggled up and safely with it's yarn ball.

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  1. I have really cut back on what I read.
    Here's a whine. I just got back from the dentist, and my lower lip is just coming out from the Novocaine, and it itches, and I can't scratch because I don't have all my feeling back!
    Do you have lots of books lined up? How long will you be immobile?

  2. Hi k. :-) Reading less about what you can't do a lot about is probably a good idea, besides the cross talk (cross fire?) is getting pretty fierce! I'm proud to be a liberal, though. It's better than letting events push you into being a Communist, which is what the right wing views us as anyway, the dolts. And, a shot across the bow of any of them reading here,anyone who believes that Christianity should rule the US is sadly lacking in Constitutional Know How. I guess they are playing catch up with lots of theory, and political labeling101 is the class they should start with.

    OUCH, dentists. I'm sorry you have an itch you can't get rid of, but hopefully that is all over now. This is a whine zone. So have at it. Open whining permitted.

    Immobile Reading: Let's see. I think I'm going to read the whole Jim Chee/Lt. Leaphorn series again, by Tony Hillerman. Since I practically know them by heart, it will be nice to have something familiar for a fuzzy brain. I've got all the paperbacks and the hard covers. Keep smiling!

  3. I love the ceramic deer that are on this page. Any way you could tell me where you got them??? :)


  4. Sure, LMA. I got them locally, at a place we call Carol's Ceramic Studio. It's in Lemon Grove, if you are familiar with this area. I think she is the only local green ware studio left since the Enron Brigands.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..