"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tuesday tails on Wednesday!

I know it's wordless Wednesday but I got a delay in my time line here.....so it's Wolfie's little pink tongue, and "Loading the kiln Day..  
Wolfie is just like the cute dog, "Woofie" (scroll down to seeWoofie) in Patrick McDonnell's strip, "Mutts".

Our Wolfie loves to give kisses.  Wolfie doesn't run us down to do it but he does this stealth thing where, when he's held in one of our laps, he will flip his head all the way over backwards and plants one on our lips.  He's not as big as comic strip  Woofie, but the affect is much the same as getting kissed by a golden Retriever-sized dog, meaning BIG and very DAMP!

Round though it may be,
that little quick tongue is VERY long, too.
 I retaliate in these attacks by grabbing at the end of it, saying, "I'm going to get your tongue!"  He can't stop himself from attempting to lick again but I can see in his round, brown,eyes that he wishes he could.  It's a Shi Tsui characteristic, to wish to lick, and to be able to flip that head upside down backwards, too.   I sometimes wonder how the Tibetan Monks put up with it?

Ceramics Report:  we unloaded greenware and stacked the kiln for a glaze fire.  I thought you might like to see how a kiln is loaded, so took same pictures.

Top Half Shelves

Bottom of kiln
I went to my sister's house and took cookies from Starry Lane Bakery. which is having a March Madness sale!  You have to order on line from their menu.  Always Yummy!   I stumbled upon this.

And now I'm going to go eat an Ginormous big salad!  yay!


  1. Elaine, in the program Sienfeld, us to order "a big salad, with lots of stuff in it."

  2. Elaine, thank you for stopping by and reading. And, those are truly the best sort of salads! I must find out more about "Sienfeld", to see if it's as funny as "Frazier" and whether Netflix has it on down load. I've heard it's really funny. I'm not a TV watcher but I love Netflix with a passion beyond sanity.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..