The Wackadoo Meme part 2
Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme.
Let's go!!!
This week's questions come from Shopafreakingholic and it was stolen there as well, but the search doesn't go back any farther.
30.] What brand of batteries do you usually get? EverReady or however in the heck you spell it, rechargeable, too, same brand. Ooops, we also get Duracell.
31.] Are any of your friends pregnant or have kids? Preggers, Nope, not a one that I can think of but most of them all have kids.
32.] What is in your medicine cabinet? There are boocooo Bandages, as well as toothbrushes. There are some packs of floss, some tweezers, and anti bacterial cream plus some Benadryl liquid.
33.] What's your favorite aspect of the natural world? I love the Earth, period. I love it unspoiled as much as possible. I love how it all works together, or at least DID.
34.] What's your favorite man made thing? String. I love all the multitudinous manifestations of it, too.
35.] Can you whistle properly? I used to whistle more, like my mom, now there was a world class whistler of tunes. She was great. DH has this ear splitting whistle that I can almost match but he's the King of loudness when it comes to whistles.
36.] What song do you think is the most widely heard in the world? Handel's Hallelujah Chorus
37.] Where's the strangest place a fast food restaurant was located? I really can't say. I'm not up on those things. Sorry, it's not snobbery. I just don't know.
38.] What states surround your state? Or are you not land locked? Cuba? hehehe no, lets see.. there is Oregon, Nevada, Arizona and we interface with a foreign country, too. Mexico!
39.] Do you own binoculars or monoculars? What do you use them for? I use binocs for bird watching. I love birds. I actually want a monocular but it's not likely I'll be getting one.
40.] Do you ever wish you had a telescope on the roof or attic to stargaze? Oh yes, we thought of building a platform on the roof in times past and getting a nice big Meade.
41.] What's your favorite chocolate bar? I like to eat the truffle dark chocolate from T.J.s.
42.] Do you fall asleep easy in cars? How about planes, trains and boats? I can fall asleep anywhere if I'm tired enough- except for hospitals. They are my sleeping nemesis. Planes are a bit of a challenge, too.
43.] Would you rather live a year of your life in every major country or stay in the same place you live forever without vacations? There aren't many places I'd spend a year of my life in but parts of Canada, Italy and France are three. And I could live in Ireland and all the Scandinavian countries for a year. Yes, that includes the Balkan ones. :-) But, mostly I like living in good old California.
44.] What will you not tolerate in a person? I won't tolerate deliberate meanness. I'll call them on it. I have had it with meanness as a character flaw.
45.] Do you forgive others easier or yourself? Other's Why is this? Other people sometimes don't know they are hurting you, and even if they are, it's paramount to forgive them. Myself, I have let down the side when I have done some egregiously awful thing, like .. I don't know, something like made a thoughtless remark and caused hurt feelings. Usually I am VERY careful to not offend but it does happen.
46.] How was God made, if he exists? You've probably heard the poem that has a line in it that says, "Nature is it's own excuse for being"? Well, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a God, and I also know that no human made that Being. It is impossible that any human agency created it.
47.] Have you ever done aqua aerobics or polo? Yes to the first, no to the second. If I could find a pool that wasn't over chlorinated I would do aerobics again. It's VERY good for a person.
48.] What age were you when you learned how to swim? I was terrified of drowning, so, at 13 I just decided to take off across the pool and the rest is history. I think back and wonder why I wasted all the time!
49.] What shows or characters scared you as a child? There just wasn't anything scary on TV when I was a kid.
50.] Do you stay up all night on New Years Eve/Day or go to bed after 12am? If the kids are here, we toast the New Year, and eat a chocolate as the first taste of a new year must be sweet, you know. Very Swedish. When we were rockhounding, we used to camp out over New Year's, with other rockhounds, in the desert. And, believe me, after a day in the outdoors digging up Geodes, you are too tired to stay up 'til midnight. So, we just toasted at 9pm with the New Yorkers.
51.] What's something unusual currently in your fridge? Nothing noteworthy in the fridge unless you count the empty butter containers waiting to be washed for ceramics.
52.] How about your freezer? Well, in the Freezer, we have a tortoise who died a few years ago. And my little bird, Pepé. They really need to be buried.
53.] What could you be doing now that is more productive? I could be sewing or knitting something, or petting Wolfie. I'm not sure watching "Extreme Couponing" on Netflix is very productive but I have garnered some savvy clues to help out my Sis and BIL with their shopping.
54.] Give me some lyrics from the song that's stuck in your head? Smoke on the Water, Fire in the Sky y y .... I've been queueing up YouTubes for Monday Music. Awesome Song!
55.] What's your favorite type of firework? I like sparklers. They are the only things that don't scare the living beejeebers out of all the birds and other wildlife when mankind decides it must celebrate some damn thing or other. I'm old enough that I've had enough of it.
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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..