"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day Four of the August Happiness Challenge, Sunday Stealing, Sunday Matinee, two movies, and Sky Watcher post

August Happiness Challenge:

I was very happy to be able to water my shade patio, myself, and to scrub out the kitchen sinks.  I've also taken up the knitting again, knitting yesterday and plan to carry on today at my earliest convenience!  I'm going to work on the pink Stardust sweater for Elle, and try to relearn the patterns for the Manly Beastly Aran.     Thank you, Angel Fran, for looking down on us all, and for all the help while you were here.

My hands are doing pretty darn good since I gave up the heavy lifting.   My trainer said, "You know what this means don't you?  It means that the 'Honey Do List' must now expand", and we both laughed.  To be honest, DH is a wonderful Haus frau but he will NOT clean bathrooms, the fridge, or the stove top.   

 Sunday Matinee:
 Here are two spy thrillers that will keep you on the edge of your last nerve.   Sweet Jesus, they are disturbing.  Personally, I think it's probably worth coming back to save dogs and cats and wildlife, but can humans really be saved from themselves?    Maybe some of us need a new planet?  The Gardeners and lovers of Nature get to keep this one though! 

Interested?  Netflix:

The Numbers Station   This one was very interesting to me because of the fact that spies have used numbers they just read off of the of SW bands for decades.  As a kid, I used to hear these numbers
(which were read by woman readers) late at night.  This is because I've owned a shortwave receiver  forever.  There has always been a SW radio in my life because the whole thing fascinates me.

Anyway, back to the movie:   The problem is that some of the holes in the plot are big enough to drive an M1 Abrams battle tank through.  If you like violence, lots (and I mean LOTS!) of suspense, and if you also like to laugh at "holes in believability or reason" type plot developments, watch this one.

Page Eight
All I can say about "Page Eight" is that Bill Nighy is so very wickedly good as a senior analyst for MI-5 that you hope he doesn't really have a real life counterpart.  This hero is someone whom too many people severely underestimate, to their peril.   

It's still fun to think about spy stuff as Spooks exist to this day.  Even if you are enthralled by Vampires, these might be violent and scary enough for you.  After all, Spy stuff (and what they get up to with black ops money and even, dare I say it, Homeland Security Bucks) when in a movie plot, is infinitesimally more like the reality we now find ourselves in.   I say, go get your clearance and join in the fun!

Sky Watcher:

We get clouds every day, and I am loving it.  This is lovely and amazing weather.
Sunday Stealing:

Massive Alphabet Meme, part two

The Letter N 
Do you have a nickname?   No, I don't have a nickname anymore.  I was called Lennie in school but that was ages ago.

What is your favorite number?  37 is my favorite number

Do you prefer night or day?   Day.  I see better in daylight, but the new night goggles are pretty spiffy.

The Letter O
What is your one wish?  That selfishness would disappear forever from the human race.  I really mean Forever and completely.

Are you an only child?  No, I have a sister and a brother, living, and a brother who died when he was five.

Do you wish this year was over?   No, I live in the moment and they go fast enough as it is.   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzip!  There goes another one!

The Letter P 
What is one fear that you are most paranoid about?   I fear losing human rights and political freedom.  Nothing much is happening now that eases this fear, either.

What personality trait would you look for in someone you wanted to date?    Compassion is the one.   I think compassionate people are the best humans.

The Letter Q 
Are you quick to judge people?   No.  If the situation calls for judging people as to whether they are going to stick a shiv in my side while walking by me, yes.

The Letter R
Do you think you are always right?  I know that I'm not always right. 

Do you watch reality T.V.?   In a way I do.  I watch Netflix.

What is a good reason to cry?   Cruelty and violence toward any other earthling is a good reason.  Look, I know that I'm very predictable about all this stuff, but I just couldn't live with myself if things like that above had no affect on me.  I don't want to be another cyborg.

The Letter S 
Do you prefer sun or rain?   Because I live in a desert where we get an abundance of sun, I prefer rain.

Do you like snow?   I adore snow.  See above.  Snow is good for my part of the country, especially in the mountains.

What is your favorite season?   The Wet.  I love that season.

The Letter T 
What time is it?   Too late to be doing this and making much sense of it.
What time did you wake up?   I woke up at 6:15 this morning.

When was the last time you slept in a tent?   1991 or 2 in the desert in Quartszite.

The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear?  Are you checking?  You are always asking this.  Are you channeling my mother?

Do you open your eyes when under water?   Yes, even salt water.  How else can you see where you are going?

The Letter V 
What is the worst veggie?   Black eyed peas.  I know, it's never going to change, either.

Where do you want to go on vacation?   I'd really like to go all the way up to Vancouver Canada, through Oregon and Washington.

What was your last family vacation together?   A few years ago we went to Pinnacles for a week so that we could do a little hiking.  But three years ago there was the Mt. Whitney trip; I missed out on that but most of the family went.

The Letter W 
What is your worst habit?   Having to force myself to get out the door. 
Where do you live?   SoCal

The Letter X 
Have you ever had an X-ray?   At my age, I've had too many of those.

Have you ever seen the X-Games?   I don't know what those are.

Do you own or have you ever played a xylophone?   I've played a few of them.  They are nice.

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow?   I love Yellow and really wish I could wear it.

What year were you born in?   A war year.  And there has hardly been a single year since where our country has been at peace.  

What do you yearn for most?   Answer is still the same.  I'd like to live somewhere that my kids wanted to come back to. 

The Letter Z
What is your Zodiac Sign?  I'm three hours out of one sign and into another.  I read two.
Do you believe in the Zodiac?  Not really. 

What is your favorite zoo animal?  Lemurs.

"Is that really our Vet?  He's awfully furry!"


  1. Those are cute baby lemurs! :-)

    I think I would appreciate rain a lot more if I lived where you do. Around here we get plenty - especially in the spring!

    1. Cathryn, I tried to find out where you are, and reply via your site but there were too many hoops to jump through for this late at night. Thank you for your comments and the visit, and I will keep trying to navigate the google circles thing when my brain is not half asleep.

  2. Replies
    1. Mind Of Mine, 37 is my favorite hexagram in the Book of Changes, and I think of it as my lucky number. Thanks for your comment and the visit!

  3. Replies
    1. I'm so happy to find those babies in a group. Madagascar is really struggling to save habitat for lemurs, and change attitudes toward one that is my favorite, which is called an AyeAye in their country. It got the reputation of being evil. Sad. But things are changing.

  4. As a redhead (well, strawberry blonde) yellow drains me of all color, I just can't wear it.

    1. Ah, so you also understand this. I have a pale yellowish pink skin from my ancestry, so I can't wear yellow without looking even more yellow. I have sort of Asian coloring, I think. And, I never could dress my redheads in yellow either. Elle, because she is a brunette, with brunette coloring, can wear yellow and makes her mother jealous!

  5. I'm pretty good at the night vision thing too. Love your number

    1. Why thank you Mz Harriet! And about the night vision, I actually now need night goggles for night vision, since I'm in my dotage. hehe

  6. Bill Nighy is one of my favorite actors, but I'd never heard of Page 8. So thanks for the heads up!

    1. Gal, he is so wickedly good in this! You're welcome. You'll love it.

      Did you ever see him in, "Hot Fuzz", sounds bad but isn't - in fact it's hilarious. Nighy plays the head of the police in London, and he gives the hero a very convincing and wicked flash of a "you better get out of town if you know what's good for you" look.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..