"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday Five Minutes.

If you would like to play, go HERE for the word of the week and scroll down for all the participants.  The only "rule" is that you please go to another participant's blog and leave words of encouragement of sharing.  It's truly a lovely experience.  Come join?

The word this Friday is Joy:

If you find Joy in the smallest things you can keep an even keel.  Your little boat stays upright.  I used to think that big joys were the most important thing, now I know that small ones are everyday and accessible.   Even when I was in severe pain I could focus my mind away from that pain and find a small joy, Otherwise it would be impossible to live through so many things that happen to a person.  This is why people keep a house plant or pictures around them in odd places.  So that they can feel Joy when viewing it.  This is why people have pets, or a hobby because it takes them away from what is going on that may be disturbing or what may be hurting, physically, spiritually or emotionally, and let them go somewhere where time suspends and those aches go away.  This is the way I feel when I'm knitting or painting.  It's one reason I started my craft show hops.  For the joy.  I have to go eat dinner now so that's all I can say about my joy.


Later: Homemade chicken/Rice soup with kale.  Buttered corn chips.  Nice!


  1. Visiting from FMF and taking great joy in reading your post. Simple and to the point. Joy is a compilation of the little things in life that matter. Good job.

  2. Thank you, Joe. I enjoyed reading yours as well. I'm so glad that I found the right word this time. Joy is really a great thing to use in contemplation and meditation. Blessings

  3. You are so right about finding joy in the small things. If we were to wait around for something great to happen we would miss all the small miracles that happen each moment.

    1. Oh, you are so right about missing those small miracles if your vision is focused only on the big. True. True. True. Thank you, Wendy, for your encouragement. :o)

  4. You know what? You're quite right in your observation. Some folks always wait for the 'big' one not thinking that they may be missing out on the small ones that matter. Good one.

    1. Thank you, dragonslayer. Every day can bring joy even in the smallest, hidden or personal miracles. Also there are the big ones we take for granted but shouldn't. Ones like that of a sun that faithfully arises! And, that it goes down, and that it also gives us ocean currents, winds, so much. Native Americans have a blessing for the rising of the sun. That's one thing we have forgotten, the blessing we've been given of the wonderful sun.

  5. Hello! Visiting from FMF - and saw your title, and thought, 'Another knitter! A friend!' I just turned my second sock-heel today... so still learning, but finding much joy in the process. These small things are such gifts to us, ordinary, everyday joys. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Yay! A new sock knitter! Welcome to the Dark Side! That is a Knitter's Review blessing for new sock knitters! I love to knit socks. For me they are the most fun thing to knit. Congratulations, ruthemarriott! There is a Sock Forum at Knitter's Review, if you haven't discovered it yet, and usually it's very active. They helped me through the process of learning to knit socks. Happy Knitting, m'friend!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..