"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Five minute Friday, word is LONG; Also Friday5

Rules are under the Lovely Button for Five Minute Friday Down Yonder-*points to sidebar*.

We write our hearts out for five minutes flat, and don't go look back.  Them's the rules!  Well, there is also the rule that we read the post of, and send a comment of encouragement to, at least one other nearby participant.  In Truth, I find that I want to read every one of them!

This is so very FUN!  And, like drawing a little everyday, it takes you away into a different world, only this is the world of streaming consciousness, and bad spelling even.  Just kidding!

I waited a long time for a rescue that I didn't even know I was going to need, and then you came out of nowhere and found me.  I was a very lucky person.  You took me in when I was alone out there with just my little tiny car full of belongings stuffed in it and hanging out every window, from being thrown out of my only home; you found me staying with a very kind friend who could take me in.   I remember how long you waited for me to get off work at the library; then you took me to get something to eat because I had no money.

Later, you helped me find a tiny apartment, and helped me to get a better job to pay for it.  I'd never met a boy like you, such kindness in those blue eyes, so calm and manly.  We did fun things together, Sailing and going for long walks along the railroad tracks.  Then after not too long we started down that long path of growing closer, and growing up together.  It wasn't very long before we had two daughters to raise and were struggling through making long plans while pretty short of money.

In the long run, somehow it always worked out.  Now, here we are, long of tooth and loving each other, not counting days but living each day for as long as we have.

"Come grow old with me.
The best is yet to be.
The last of Life for which the first was made"
Robert Browning



Friday5's and we have no rules!  But you should comment so that people know where to look for your answers...

Friday5 for October 3rd.

1. In what ways have you rebelled against your upbringing?
I'm a very independent person.  And though I love my DH and would die for him, there is no man on earth that I would let bring me down the way my horrible paternal unit destroyed my darling mother's happiness.  She was a happy little woman.  I think back and can see that this independence became true for a whole generation of women.  We would not be moved, and we raised our daughters to be strong women, too!

2. In what ways have you rebelled against your schooling?
I wanted the truth, and that wasn't being taught.  I've rejected nearly every subjective thing I'd been taught, except for the teaching of a few brave souls who actually helped us to expand our world and our world views. 

3. In what ways have you rebelled against American culture?
I'm counter culture from the getgo, and very proud that I've never bought into the American Dream.  My mind is my own, and I do what I want with my life.  There are a LOT of us out here, by the way.  We aren't all Hippies.  The one thing I couldn't seem to pull off was getting to move to central coast when it was cheap and full of possibilities.

4. Is it possible to rebel against yourself?
Not if your guiding promise is couched in these words:  To Thine Own Self Be True"

"Polonius: This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."

5. What’s your favorite song about rebellion?  "The Times they are A Changin", Bob Dylan.

And then, there is this one.  Blowing in the Wind.

From the author of the Meme. "Thanks for participating, and have a conformist weekend, you sheep!

Friday5 for October 10th

1. How many of those frequent buyer stamp-cards are you carrying around, and which promises the best reward upon completion?
Two, and both are for the same wonderful little Vegan bakery.  Starry Lane Bakery.  It's just the BEST! Her cupcakes are TONS better than anything on "CupCake Wars".

2. How many of those magnetic-stripped discount cards are you carrying around, and which offers the best rewards?
Honestly, I haven't got a single one.

3. How many other people’s business cards do you carry around, and which do you refer to most?
I only have one business card, and it's for a lampshade maker down in the Marina District.  They are fabulous at their jobs of restoring old shades.

4. How far away from you is the nearest deck of playing cards?
I have two decks in a drawer in the dining room.  I used to like to play cribbage and War.  I'm just not a bridge sort of girl.

5. How many identification cards with your photo do you carry around?

Friday5 for October 17th wasn't up when this posted.  I'll look again tomorrow


  1. Hello again, Zippiknits! Thanks for sharing your Five Minute Friday thoughts... wow, sounds like a really big time in your life when you needed a helping hand to get your own place. How true that sometimes in life 'we wait for a rescue we didn't know we were going to need.' I look at my own life and wonder at the blessings I have today, also think how I resisted receiving some of them at the time! If only I had known!

    1. Hi ruthemarriot! Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts. As I look back, it was sort of a miracle to receive such amazing blessings just when I thought I'd been forgotten and tossed out in the cold.

  2. I love your 5 minute Friday post today. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Hi Wendy! Thank you for your nice comment and for reading my blog. :-)

  3. What a wonderful post....sometimes when we aren't even looking we find the perfect partner for life!

  4. Yes, we do, Paula. :-) And thank you for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment. Blessings, dear one. Hope you get good Fall weather for some walks and restorative leaf peeping.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..