"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thankful Thursday Rant: reading and writing-ultimate freedoms

Well, Freedom of Speech.  At least that's the way it used to be before the run up to the latest levels of "security".  It's not politics.  It's your children's futures they mess with that gets me,

Nowadays a rancher, let's say,  hardly dares to have a discussion over the back fence with his or her neighbor about "world affairs" without fear of a wired "cow"(or perhaps one with a drone horse fly on her flank) walking up and sending the whole blessed convo back-live- to their ultimate masters in the NSA for "threat" analysis.   After all, there is a lot of manure in those fields and bombs have been built with it.  Ranchers may need to be on the watch list.

Seem silly?  Well it's not that far fetched, and don't think they haven't thought of it, either.  They must really hate Freedom of Speech buffs. I'm thankful to be able to say this without having to worry too much about it.  I'm just an old crank and they've seen worse.

But I am grateful that if a policeman gets vulgar, he will now be on tape in my city.  In L.A. the anti-war protesters had  their ears burned.   Here, we just got watched from rooftops and from patrol cars. I just reminded myself that there are even better places to live for freedom of assembly, and counted them out in my head and prayed for them to stay that way.

I'm glad the librarians stood up to the "request" that they reveal what we were reading.  I'm grateful to them for stiff arming that!  Bambi has no subversive messages that I know of, but then maybe the newer kiddie books do?  And then there are the likes of Howard Zinn or maybe Noam Chomsky? Or perhaps Menachim Begin or Moshe Diane from their terrorist days?  

I'm grateful for all the patriots who stood up on their back legs and said, "No!" to the wild eyed agencies drunk with power and sated on huge meals of public funds.

I feel compelled to say these things before I die.  Librarians are a tough lot.  Don't mess with them.

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