"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday Komeekz, Bookshelves and gardening books.

From a 1973 Family Circle Magazine

I just got another Succulent book,   I'm on the hunt for one more!  Got it!  I think I can keep in shape by dusting my gardening books.  

But, the big plan is to hit this coming gardening project like a whirlwind when the weather cools off enough out there in the side yard, sometime in December.  I want to feed birds and butterflies with plantings of Buddleia bushes and red hot poker plants, which they all love. 

Red Hot Poker Flowers From HERE

A little ancient history here:  I once had a heritage planting of these gorgeous flowers from my mother.  But it was lost to the local  Herbicide Poisoner who poured Round Up onto my neighbor's tree to kill it. We lived "down stream" from him and I suppose he was ignorant enough to think he would only be hurting the tree he was after.

He was a mean old buzzard who apparently finally dropped dead from his addiction to Adrenaline some time ago.  He almost killed our two elms, another heritage planting from my mother's trees.  I saved them by flushing the ground around them with water until the Round Up was leached out.  It took a lot of water.

Anyway, about completing the Wildlife Garden,  I need the exercise and we need to fix our gardens for birds and butterflies.  I'm hoping for the energy to come back to me, so I'll do a rain dance and also pray for more energy.  Do you think drinking Jolt Cola is a good idea??

I truly love used Amazon books. Goodwill Industry Stores are among Amazon's sellers of used books.

Hope you're having  a Very Good Weekend.  

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..