"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Saturday9 It's late! It's a Yakfest I tell ya! PLus Saturday Komeekz and Saturday Matinee

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Lucky Star (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1. Have you ever wished upon a star?
Yes, and with all my heart I wished for my brother to not have to go to Viet Nam.  I think the prayers and fasting is what did it - though the star, Arcturus, couldn't have hurt the odds.

2. In the 1980s, Madonna considered her wrist bangles one of her fashion trademarks. What's one of your fashion trademarks?
I once wore a lot of funky earrings and great rings.  But not for long.  It was serious that war in Viet Nam, I had to pay attention to it lots sooner than I wanted to.  I blame Howard Hunt.

3. Though she got good grades, Madonna could be disruptive at school, known for turning cartwheels in the halls between classes. Can you do a cartwheel?
I used to be able to do that, and do back flips.  That stuff is FUN!

4. Her high grade point average earned her a dance scholarship to the University of Michigan, home of the Wolverines. Do you follow college football?
Not any more.  We used to be big fans of the Aztecs and even went and sat out the games at the old stadium.  DH was going to college there at the time.

5. Madonna co-starred in the movie version of Dick Tracy. Do you enjoy comics?
Oh Lord,  do I EVER enjoy comics.  Saturday Komeekz is something I love to plan for.

6. She played Argentinian First Lady Eva Peron in the biopic, Evita and directed a movie about Wallis Simpson. What famous 20th century woman do you wish you could meet/could have met?
Just one?  I would have wanted to meet Sylvia Plath, Shirley Chisholm, Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Meade, or Rachel Carson and Pat Nixon.  I think Pat Nixon was an amazing woman.

7. Madonna authored a children's book called The English Roses. Tell us about a book that had a big impact on you when you were a kid.
Oh,  I reckon I've answered this, variously, before.   But, I did find my first book (yes, a Dick and Jane) in mother's hope chest a few years back. It was read to bits.  My grandmother gave it to me the year we spent Christmas at the farm.  I was probably 3 and a half.  All I remember about the trip back to Ohio that year was that I threw up the greasiest scrambled eggs that could be imagined all over my pretty little dress.

8. One of Madonna's "vocal idols" is Ella Fitzgerald. Who is your all-time favorite female singer? 
Like question 6, there is not just one all time favorite for me.  Ella is certainly one of my idols.  Aretha Franklin and Beverly Sills are two others that come to mind.

9. Madonna once did a Pepsi commercial. What beverages are in your refrigerator right now?
There are a few beers, both alcoholic and non, four different kinds of fruit juice, some red wine, and a bottle of water.  I think there might be some of my favorite root beer and maybe a Jamaican ginger beer.  It comes in a green bottle and it's very good.

Saturday Komeekz

Saturday Matinee, Two Dog Shows that have nothing to do with the AKC.

"Animal House"... a TV show about a the largest and oldest No Kill Shelter in the United States...Great Stories about saving Rescues!

"Dogs with Jobs"..  Another show that will put some smiles on your faces.

These are a Wonderful Christmas sort of entertainment because they are such good uplifting ones.


  1. Pat Nixon is a fascinating choice. She had a tough row to hoe and she kept her head down and tended it with grace. I admire that.

    I had an uncle who was drafted illegally/accidentally (depending upon which bureaucrat you're talking to) and still ended up in VietNam. Where he was exposed to Agent Orange. Thanks to that horrible time in the jungle, my otherwise extremely healthy uncle was stricken by early-onset Parkinson's, exacerbated by the chemical exfoliant, and died a slow, painful death at 69. I'm very bitter about this. I'm trying to get past it, but whenever I hear about the war I get pissed off all over again.

    1. I lost some close friends to that freaking war. I know what you mean about getting pissed off whenever it is brought up. And we still haven't learned! We should have been in the streets over that rip off other two wars as well! Such Dosh!

      Pat Nixon was one of those Silent Angels. And she really suffered, Bless her heart.

      I'll be round to read everyone's posts because this is one of the best Meme's on the Planet!

  2. Vietnam was a bad time in our history. Unfortunately we seem unable to get past making stupid mistakes. I loved your answers to the women you would meet. Sylvia Plath also came to mind when I answered the question but I didn't write her down. I also thought about Virginia Woolf.

    1. Oh! The good Mz. Woolf! Yes!

      And no, we still haven't learned. That's because there is an entire cadre of wanna be Nazi's that lie and lie and lie!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you much. I will be around to read all of the 9er's posts this evening. Love this thing!

  4. Great answers. I loved the story about your favorite childhood book. I remember barfing up baked beans on my favorite blue nightgown, myself... lol.

    1. Lol.... Tiny kids don't want to eat something, they are not going to be able to keep it down. This was on the cross country railway and the dining car was expensive. Mother decided to "treat" the two of us, since baby brother was too little. Lucky little brat! hehehe Poor Mama... :-(

  5. We enjoy animal shows a lot, but since we got our dashound Casper, He has a fit anytime a dog cat or horse comes on the screen

    1. Hahahaha... Casper is no fool. He knows that strange "door" may look locked but it is sooner or later going to open up and spill all those animals into his house!

      Jazzie (Jasper) used to ignore everything but the ungulates. He went berserk over Zebras, Gnus, Horses, Elk and Moose! Thanks for the memories!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..