"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Too Long, TMI meme-- Sunday Stealing

August 15, 2015

Cheers to all of us thieves!!!

 Linkie to Sunday Stealing

I want you to be free from me Meme

Stolen from: Everything Goes To Hell

Are your nails painted a dark or light color?
They aren't painted.

Have you ever order pizza online?

What color was the last candle you lit?
White, at Christmas

 Is there something written on your shirt right now?
I'm not wearing one.

Is there a bookshelf in your room?
 There are bookshelves in nearly every room of the house.

Do you own a treadmill?
Not any more.  I don't do treadmills, even car pool treadmills, anymore.

Have you ever signed up for a gym membership?
Yes, that's why we got rid of the treadmill, and the Nordic Trac.

Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it?
No.  Who keeps a garbage can inside the living quarters?  
Do you mean the kitchen composter?  If so, it's stainless steel and about a foot high.

Have you ever read in the bathtub?
No.  I don't want to drop another book into the water.  My text book once fell into the sink when I was doing dishes.  That cured me of getting any book near a possibly watery grave again.

Have you ever had to wear a hairnet?
 Yes, when I worked at a burger joint.

Do you know how many pages the last book you read had?
 I only know that it had over 430, the last page number I remember seeing.

What day of the week does the laundry usually get done?
 When the darks or the lights hampers are full.  Washday used to be Monday but this hasn't been so for a long time.

Do you use the Facebook chat often?
 I'm not on Facebook.  Frankly, I dislike it more than I dislike Google+

Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer?
No.  I'm what used to be called a "War Baby" so few pictures even exist of me as a baby or small child.  And now that the country's been in a constant state of war for over 60 years, that cute little descriptive phrase applies to just about any American baby born in those intervening years.

Do you eat onion rings?
Yes, they are considered forbidden fruit, though.

What flavor of tea did you last have?
Rooibos tea but, sorry, it's a type of tea and not a flavor.  There are lovely flavors of all sorts of tea I'd like to try but, alas, not very many decafs.

 Do you own a bathrobe?
 No, and don't let the film, "L.A. Story" fool you.  Californians do not all have white bathrobes in the closet.  That's for hotels to do.  We regularly walk, wrapped in a towel, to get from room to room after a bath.  DH once went out in his skivvies to retrieve the morning paper.  He only did that once.  *glares*

Did you/will you have coffee or some other form of caffeine today?
Three days a week I eat chocolate.  I wish it could be more but the scale doesn't lie to me anymore.  Someone rigged it to tell the truth.  I wonder who that someone was?

Do you have a mailbox or do you collect your mail from the post office?
I live in the US.  We can have an excellent postal service just so long as the pinch pennies in public office will leave it alone.  You'd think THEY, the toffee noses, were paying the bills and not we, the people!  Hard luck if they want to spend even more making money on swords rather than mailboxes.  Ya know?

What was the last animal you saw, and was it a pet?
He's a pet, and he's adorable.  He's also in his cuddler behind me, snoring away right now. Yesterday I saw a fence lizard who was black and speckled white on the limb of the Cape Honeysuckle, and I saw a Cassin's Kingbird looking longingly at the bird bath.  The weather has been roasting hot here the past several days.  I pity the poor birds and little animals, like my sister's neighbor's little poodle, who have to be out in it.  I'm going to steal that dog someday.  Shhhh! No I couldn't be that mean but I'm going to call someone who will take care of it if it goes on.

What was the last documentary you watched focusing on?
It was about General Tso's Chicken.  A chef from Taiwan invented it.  He came here to claim victory from an usurping chef making big claims.  It was a fabulous show and story about not only the dish, but Chinese immigration and diaspora into the U S of A as well.   I'm so happy that some of the Chinese came here.

Hey!  That's my happiness for Sunday and the August Happiness Challenge!

Chinese Happiness Character

And back to our regularly scheduled Meme:

Is there anything you need to remember to do before the day ends?
I guess I should have eaten ... well, I get another chance at it a little later on!  America, got to love it.  

 Is your car messy, or do you like to keep it clean?
My cars are neat as pins.  However I no longer have a car of my own.  

The link goes to a contest at CarTalk.  go see!  Hahahahaha!
Ours is not anywhere as bad as this
and the little dog isn't the one making the mess

Are you the type to wake up before the sun has even risen?
I get up when I wake up, and the last two mornings it's been before sunrise.  

Do you get uncomfortable when people stare at you?
Actually, anyone rude enough to stare at me I will stare back at.

Have you ever been admitted to the hospital for a long period of time?
Three weeks.  That was a maternity stay.  It was stupid, and I spent the rest of my life regretting it, off and on.

Have a great Sunday!


  1. Funniest one I have read in awhile. Thank you for the chuckles!

    1. Thanks for reading here OJM! I'm glad you liked the post. :o) And, now I'm off to read and admire all the ohter thieve's offerings. This is a fun thing. Love it! See you soon!

  2. With the price of textbooks these days, that could be an expensive "drop" into the bathtub!

    That documentary sounds fascinating. I'll have to look for it.

    1. Hiya. Bev. And, yes, the documentary is both amusing and educational. Hope you like it, too. Ah, textbooks. The one I dropped into the dishwater was for my Western Civ class. Mother kindly dried it off for me with her amazing knowhow about drying the pages of a wet book. It was only a little crinkled (but thoroughly readable) from then on.

  3. If I don't get moving when I first wake up I'm not good for anything. That's interesting about General Tso's. We eat it all the time and I've never given it a thought. Thanks for the insight.

    1. Stacy, I think that I'm going to have to pull out my knitting first thing in the AM because there is a landslide of things to do and then the knitting passion just dissipates. I have to do a change up of order for the early mornings. We shower in the afternoons, after the solar panels have heated water.

      That Doc is interesting. Netflix has it. It's entertainly produced. Only one bad spot that I can remember but it's not graphic. For that thing, I had to develop nerves of steel as a kid. You get my drift if you read here much.

  4. oh my gosh, that car would make me hyperventilate! there was one time my car got very "messy" (it was actually organized piles of stuff from my workplace, as i was changing job locations) and i could not stand it! i couldn't wait until i could finally get into my new worksite and empty out my car. my car can get a bit messy, especially with my son not throwing away his stuff, but it has never ever been that bad! yikes!

    1. If you go to the link, you will see many that are worse. Sometimes contests may cause these phenomena but I've seen one car, one of the older girl's friend's cars, that was horrible! It had to have it's own flora and fauna living amongst the rubble. EW!

  5. Oh, that picture of the car gave me palpitations! I have a very tidy car!

    1. Our jeep is actually very tidy now, and will be forever, I hope. It just got out of hand because the dog has his seat well for "His" accoutrements, DH's shopping bags have another back seat well, and the fly back has the picnic gear in clear rubbermaid containers, and two folding chairs. Everything has been ship shape and in apple pie order now for a few years.

  6. That car looks like my daughter's car. I am not kidding either....
    I sure hope they improve Google+ instead of ditching it.

    1. That car was from a messiest car contest at CarTalk, the radio show and web page. That was one of the milder ones. Some are so OMG! you wouldn't believe it! As long as Google+ gets it's hands off YouTube and Blogger, I'm good with it sticking around. It has it's good points but connectivity is not my favorite thing about it, tbh.

  7. I think they are ditching Google+. I hope so, I don't like it. I don't like FB either but I do use it. Don't Twitter, though. I am trying a new morning routine that I started today. Get out of bed and straight into the shower, no computer time or tea or anything. We'll see how long it lasts and if it makes any difference.

  8. I really got steamed when Google+ took over YouTube shortly after they bought Blogspot, which I dearly loved. I hope that YouTube divorces them, too. I also used to twitter but kept it very small, small and tight knit. Since getting a new phone, I've ditched IT.
    Good luck and Best Wishes with your new regimen. I hope it works really well for you. I've tried that here and will try again, but old habits die hard for me. Old Bones just don't want to move in the AM. And that first cuppa is so nice when tucked up and comfy.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..