"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday Tails: Big Money VS the Cunning and Deadly Wolves, AS IF!... Knitting, Wolfie, and Tort report and a Skywatcher Post

The big money boys are rolling out their Big Moolah against the few remaining wolves, AGAIN.    Maybe it's because now that it's illegal, hunters still have a great market for all lupin pelts but hate to be classed as criminals?  Could that be it?

Anyway, the Earth absolutely needs the wolves to keep the Elk herds healthy and the Mule deer in check, something that hunters aren't really saying is THEIR first priority for killing either of those two ungulates.

Here's the Gauntlet- I'm throwing it down!  If you don't eat it or it's not eating humans, don't kill it just for the fun.

My Grandfather would hate what's going on now, and he was a hunter.  He never hunted from an airplane.  He did it the old fashioned way and for the old fashioned reason, to get meat to eat during the winter, and rabbits for the pot during the rest of the year.  He fished to eat, like most fishermen, but they are a different sort of folk.

Bring it, Mz. Sarah!  This is my rant but I'll let you have a run at it, too.

Lovers of  Where the Wild things Are!  Please join in?
  Wolves Under Attack -- Tell Obama to Use His Veto

Knitting report:
I got past the first row of patterns on the sleeves, but had to rip back because I just can't knit them both together on one circ without everything going all caddywompus, pear-shaped, or escew.  I'll stick to straights for these little sleeves.  A picture within the week of the progress.

Tort Report:  With temps returning to below 95°F again, the babies have been able to stay outside.  It was 91 two days ago but it's climbing back up so they came in again yesterday and probably today if the forcast is right.
These two little buddies are getting almost big enough to hibernate but it will take a couple more years of keeping them up all year to make certain they can survive it.  I hope the tomato plants that hang down don't kill the adults but I'm not as happy go lucky as Mr. Z about it.  Churchy's almost as old as I am!  I don't want him to die!

Wolfie report:  The little guy is slowing down.  He sleeps more.

Loves Cuddling:

And, he still enjoys his walks, and he loves, LOVES, going for rides:

He loves his food and  treats!

Annnd, he would enjoy going to the beach and probably will get to do that now that sanity has returned within the municipal code, and the crowds are gone.

Dogs can now be on the beach if they are on a leash, in some places.  He LOVES the beach and plays like a puppy when he gets to go there.  One of the other rules is that you must pick up after your dog. We always pick up after him.  I have a purse full of tiny plastic bags. We're good.

Ice Clouds two Sundays ago

Gotta Skeedaddle!


  1. I cannot fathom why it is legal to hunt ANYTHING from an airplane. It's downright murder.
    Have you changed something about your pictures? I cannot see them, and when I try to click on them I get a login prompt from Google.

  2. I have and what I'll have to do is download them into a foto handler and source them the old way. Thank you for the head's up on that. Sorry that I didn't check them myself but that's Google for you.

  3. They're fixed. Thank you. Wolfie is just sooo sweet :-))


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..