"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Oops, this is friday5!

Friday5 can be found HERE

We just do this for the joy!  Thank you to the host! 

1. What animal, not normally ridden by humans, seems like it would be really fun to ride?
That would be the Zebra, although there are very few rideable Zebras that I know of.  They hate having anything on their backs.  I don't think anyone has succeeded in making a pack animal out of them.  So, I'd like to ride a Zebra. 
Sheena is riding a well decorated Horse
And, in defence of Sheena's riding, that's a very short bodied horse.

2. What’s a food you’ve always wanted to try but still haven’t?
There isn't one.  Sorry, I cooked all sorts of ethnic foods when I was cooking and I cooked and tried anything that was tasty sounding to us.  I still won't eat raw, dead animals.  ugh

3. What’s stuck to your refrigerator door?
A few handy magnets are stuck up there -the groomer, the poison center, the Health clinic, the Veterinary Hospital both the emergency one and our vet's.  There's a little teddy bear magnet and one that's cracked but still readable that says something like when God closes one door he opens another one, and there is a heart that says, "Two hearts make a home."  Actually, since I don't think it's possible to live without a pet canine, that one's not quite true.

4. Assuming your needs for food and water were taken care of, how do you think you’d do if you had to  live houseless for a year?

I could live in a nice tent, with comfy beds inside, these are sort of his and hers..
or in a van, I assume that you would let us have a vehicle?   I would not like to have to live in a motel, hotel, hostel, or, rough, under a bridge.  I'm sure if the climate were good, it would be much more possible to live in the rough, in the vicinity of mango trees, and other fruits,  with access to edible weeds, clean water,  a cooking fire or camp stove, and are these meals catered?  Will they be tasty?   
5. What geographical location that’s not already a person’s name (that you know of) would make a pretty good first name for someone?
The city of Laredo.  I think that's a very nice name.

Thanks for participating, and have a lovely weekend!

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