"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, May 27, 2016

friday5! For May 27, Good and Bad.

I'm so happy this is back!  I'll put the side bar button up again tomorrow, when the wrangling will be easier.
friday5  is up,up and awayyyyyyyy!

But the iPad and I fight for possession of material so this may  be a little  wonkie.  Forget the numbering, please?

What’s good and what’s bad about the weather lately?
Answers:  well, we got a little bit of rain two days ago.  That's good for May around here.  It wasn't enough so that's bad.

What’s something that’s so bad it’s good?
Answers: Now that's something I'm not very sure about.  When it's bad, Baby, it's bad.  Unless you mean, "baaaaad".  Ferraris are Baaaaad in my philosophy.

What’s something that used to be bad but now is good?
Answers: I'm too unimaginative tonight.  DD is in hospital and that's bad, but she is being treated for an infection they didn't know she had so that's good.

What are some of your pet words for very bad and very good?
Answers:  Do you mean things like "Yuck!", and "Yummy!"?

What’s your favorite song by Bad Company (or Good Charlotte, if BadCo isn’t your style)?* Answers:  Like, who are they?  I'll have to google them.
Ok Benny Goodman, "Lady be Good".  Gorgeous Stuff!


    1. Cool video clip from Benny Goodman that modernizes his sound.

    2. Hi Melvin. It does, doesn't it? His sound plays in my head all the time. I was born listening to music like this- The Big Bands. And the bagpipes, which were my Grandmother's favorites.


    I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..