"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Mama, can I have some Lunch Money?

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme! 

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here

1) Gamal Lewis got the nickname "LunchMoney" in 10th grade because of his round cheeks and because lunch was his favorite part of the school day. What do you recall about lunchtime in the school cafeteria?
I worked in the cafeteria in grammar school.  Free Lunches.

2) His father and uncle were members of the band Inner Circle. Their song, "Bad Boys" was the theme to the reality show Cops. What reality show have you seen recently?
The last one was probably something about tiny houses, which are my favorite sort of house.

3) In this song, Mr. Lewis sings that his mama taught him how to put on pajamas. What did you wear to bed last night?
A nightgown.

4) He claims he can't ever lie to his mama because she'll hear it in his voice. Are you a convincing liar?
I will only lie to save a life, so I hope so!  
Oddly, I'm one of those people that learned to tell the truth because my mother wouldn't ever lie.  Just tell the truth, and if it gets you into trouble, at least the Great Spirit didn't hear you talking with a forked tongue.  My Dad was a brass plated, forked tongue reptilian. I apologize to the reptiles.

5) LunchMoney sings that his mama made him chicken soup when he was sick. Do you eat soup all year around, only during winter months, or just when you're battling a cold?
When I was a child it was Campbell's all year.  Now it's just in the winter, homemade and organic, and when a cold is trying to make life difficult.

6) The lyrics tell us that when her son was hungry, Mama reliably whipped something up. What's the last food you prepared?
I don't cook anything anymore.

7) He also sings that his mama always made sure he had a few dollars in his pocket. Let's talk about you and money. Did you more recently lend or borrow it?
No.  Gave is the word, and gladly.

8) Mother's Day is for grandmothers, too. Sam grew up calling her grandmother "Grandgran." Did you have a nickname for your grandmother?
I called both my grandmother's "Grandma".  

9) To celebrate Mother's Day, Sam is giving away her own mother's favorite candy: Hershey Bars. Would you prefer milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or milk chocolate with almonds?
I like them all but will pick one...  Dark....  And thanks Sam. ;o)  Happy Mother's Day to you, since you are a very good Mama.  The kitties are so lucky!  In fact, you remind me of my friend Su-ZQz!

Happy Mother's Day this weekend to all the women who read here!  You are all Earth Mothers and it's an honor to know you!
SOURCE is josephine101 DeviantArt page


  1. I agree with your mom! No forked tongues here either!

    1. Good, no forked tongues here! Lol. My mother was the one who used to remind me about forked tongues. Told me not to swallow mine if she knew I was stretching the truth a teeny bit.

  2. A couple of friends are looking into tiny houses in Maine

    1. I think they are so nice for some folks. I'm used to going about the half acre in less than 200 sq.ft, and loving it. Even when it was raining a couple of Novembers ago up near Big Sur, I sat on my bed knitting and reading surrounded by biggish windows and loving it.

  3. I hope your Mother's Day is a good one. Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Karen. It's going to be different but we'll just have to send stronger vibes. Hugs back! And Wishes. I'm sure you have "mothered" many beings!

  4. The tiny house shows are my favorite shows on HGTV.

    1. Mine, too, KG. I long to have a tiny house with a big, green yard. :o) Our "tiny house" has been all the way to Yosemite back country. It was a shock for the rest of my DD's crew, but so many wanted to pile in it that I think it stuck deeper in the mud. lol

  5. I'm a recent giver, too. (And thank you so much for the much-appreciated shout out.)

    1. My pleasure, Gal. I'd like to say that this meme is something I look forward to all week. A time to see more music and fun questions. meme's keep a person sane! Thank you!

  6. I am not sure about those tiny houses. I live in a small house - about 1,200 sq. ft., and while it is enough, I think anything smaller for two people would be difficult.

    1. I'd have to get rid of LOADS of stuff to do this, but I'm beginning to think I'm ready to off load and be free. Our house was 1050 sq.ft. and we added 700. That's because we had twins we got a great big surprise package. :o)

  7. I saw one of those tiny houses on some farmland just off of the highway yesterday. It was kind of cute. My dogs would never fit into one of those though.

    1. It would a a tight squeeze. Someone who had four dogs had a tiny house built. I think the dogs are not very rambunctious but have a very big outdoors. I hate to think of winters though.

  8. I love watching the tiny house shows. I don't think I could live in one, but I like watching and seeing how creative and clever they can be about storage.

    1. I love that about them, too. Very creative use of space, indeed. I'm beginning to want to live in one. But maybe we can just park the RV upstate and that would be enough. I guess I'm just getting back into Nomad mood. heehee. When we had a small family we were seriously thinking about living on a sailboat!

  9. Thanks shortybear. Have a good day tomorrow, in spite of everything! Don't let it get you down.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..