"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday 13, As Promised: a collection of chickens.

For a time, I collected many things "Chicken".  I like chickens and, even today, I'd like to have the Five Laying hens my city has started letting us own as pets.  We can, famously, even have two mini goats, but alas, we will never have mini goats.  More's the pity, since as weed abatement crews, they are top drawer!

Remember: by "clickin" on the Chicken, you can get a bigger view...

So, with no further delay, The Flock:

1.  This is a 70's chicken basket.  I call this my Medicine Chicken because it used to hold all my medicines.  Most of these woven bamboo baskets came from China, which once exported all sorts of beautiful baskets.

2. A hen, this of the hen and chicks basket set.  They weren't actually a set, but I thought they looked like one.

3. The Chicks.  They are very well behaved, for twins. *winks*
This little family group dates from the 1970's

4. Now for one of the glass Sitting Hens.  There are more of these, some tiny and some this size.  I liked the yellow one for now.  No, I will not do this again but I could!

5. Here is another ceramic piece, only this time a handmade, stoneware penny bank.

6.  I have several of these sets of Hen and Rooster.  None are from any famous place and some are actually obviously seconds. lol  But I like them and can always put the "bad" side in, towards the wall.

7. More of the above....

8.  This is from a famous maker but it's a "second".  I got it during one of my strolls through many little Collectibles stores with my sister.

Chicken Vase

9.  Oooops another little basket chicken... This one is a very small one, and it has never been used as a basket.  But I just thought it was very cute.

The rest (10 through 13.5) are small, miniatures actually.  Some of them are old; you can tell, readily, which ones are.

10.  Post War Japan, when they were trying to rebuild their ceramics prowess.  I have a couple of sets from this era.

11.  Proud parents with a chick. Circa early 1980's

12. This little fella was a bachelor.
There was no hen in sight!

13.  I just had to add these as a pair.  Call them, "The Odd Balls."  The are neither woven nor ceramic.
A resin-cast Hen that I thought was super cute-ugly

A Rock Rooster, in more ways than one.
This came from a Gem and Mineral show-
a place that always has something for everyone.
Except from the last one, these have been gifts or ones I've gotten when my sister and I would wander the local collectible stores.  We would also have bi-weekly outings to Old Town and Seaport Village to have lunch and look around the shops there. Seaport Village may be gone now, for all I know, but it was always fun to go there with my sister.
I miss doing these things with my once lively Little Sister.  I know she misses them, too.


  1. Nice collection, Zipster! Got a lot of birds myself--not a lot of chickens, though--owls, mostly. Oh...and alligators (go figure).

    1. Thanks Ron. I think it's the domestic influences, plus, small and cheap ;-). Owls are fabulous, and so I "collect" them on Instagram now. lol Alligators, well, my daughters collected dragons, so, well, almost Alligators. lol I can see the attraction to these. Have you seen the movie, "Lake Placid". It's fun and sort of campy.

  2. My mother had chickens like that in her kitchen. It's so Americana. I had a real flock up until recently. A lot of work but great fresh eggs! # 6 is classic.

    1. Yes, very Americana! Perfect word! I was raised around chicken and got to love the little darlings, not so much their pecking order though. Drat, they can sure be mean. Anyway, it would be fun to have them again. Our duck gave us eggs when we had her. She was adorable. Glad you like #6. Yes, a classic.

  3. What a cute idea to hide the pill bottles in the chicken. I have mine in a basket, too, but it's the kind that's open with a handle.

    1. Hi, Alice, Your basket idea sounds handy, too. It was a "Hen was there, Meds were there" sort of thing. She may be used for them again if I can de-clutter my bedside chest of drawers. I have lots of stuff on it right now. *rolls eyes*

  4. What a great collection. I'd have never thought you were a chicken person. :-)

  5. Aw.. thank you Miss CountryDew. I love the chicken collection. I'm a farmer's daughter, and a farmer's granddaughter, and that gave me the chance to raise chicks, and at a very young age. So, you see it gets into the blood. ;o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..