"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Saturday 9: Chattanooga Choo Choo....

Chattanooga Choo-Choo

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.  Want to join in or see other entries?  Go HERE

Sam, I love this song.  I've sung it since I was very small. Thank you for featuring it, my favorite Ear worm!

1)  Chattanooga is Tennessee's fourth largest city. Have you ever visited Tennessee? If so, where did you go and what did you see?  
I haven't.  Even though we did take a trip to somewhere in Kentucky when I was very small and I don't know if it was to visit one of my grandparents' siblings or not.  

Since Glenn Miller's recording of "Chattanooga Choo-Choo" was awarded the first-ever gold record, we're going to devote the next questions to your firsts.

2) What was the first award or accolade you ever won?
I was in the third grade, and sang a solo of a couple of Christmas carols at the grade school Christmas concert.  I just remember getting loads of attention after the show, from lots of adults.  I had sung with my Grandpa and cousins since I was a toddler, and well, I am shy, too.  I was overcome.

3) We know about your blog. But which was the first social media site that you posted to? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, MySpace ...)
I just joined Instagram about a month ago, and my blog pretty much predates most other social media.  Facebook was started in February of 2004, and I started my blog in June of that year. Facebook for me has never even gotten off the ground.  I used to play farmville on it but that's about it.
4) Where did you go on your first plane ride?
Wow, I just told someone about this.  It was to answer a comment I think.  Can't remember at the moment.  Anyway......  my first plane ride was at an Airshow.  It was in a beautiful, vintage biplane flown by a Pacific Southwest pilot.  It was such a wonderful experience.    

5) Tell us about your first cell phone.
It was a Motorola.  It's called out and received calls.  This Phone was just a little hand held and small and light, with a dial that lighted.   The only cell phone I had that I've ever missed was my flip phone.  It took fantastic pictures.  It was a Casio.  It took this blog header photo.

6) Tell us about your first tattoo: Where is it on your body? Where did you have it done? What does it depict?
My first tattoo was my small pox vaccination.  Mother didn't want it on my arm because she thought it would be unattractive. So, I got it on my upper thigh, and have been explaining ever since just what that thing that looks like a Cigar burn is from on my leg. 

7) How old were you when you had your first piercing? 
I was 16 and my aunt pierced my ears.  Psycho Dad had a cat, and my auntie, his sister, through it right back at him.  He shut up.

8) What had you been drinking the first time you suffered a hangover?
I'm being completely honest here.  I don't think I've ever HAD a hangover.

9) Was your first ticket for parking or was it a moving violation?
I was about 23 and I was upset by the woman in the car ahead of me who was making very rude hand signals at me in her rear view mirror.  She had short hair.  I had just had all my own mane cut off short, and was feeling a little vulnerable.  So, when she went though the stop, I failed to come to a full stop (probably not even the world famous "California stop" one) and got a moving violation.  I've never had another one.  Mr. Z teased me when I said I had just wanted to get away from her!  He said it seems more like you were in a hurry to stay with her!  lol


  1. omgosh, why was the lady in the car ahead being so rude to you?? It sounds like a lot of sensitive questions for you this week; i'm sorry. I'm glad I was able to stop by and drop some love, though!! <3

    1. That’s a question for the ages, M. And I’ll never know the answer. When I think back on it, we were just driving down a two lane urban street at a regular speed. I hadn’t ridden her bumper, hadn’t cut her off, none of that. Maybe she was just fixing her hair! πŸ€” Never thought of that til now. It was weird. As I said, I was feeling a little fragile. Lol
      Thanks for that love! ❤️❤️

  2. Our first phones were Motorola, too. My Dad would have had a cat if I had let anyone pierce my ears before I was 18 and "legal." Lol! You have to be on your toes these days with rude drivers, you never know when one might brandish a gun! I've done more than my share of California stops. I never knew you could have your smallpox vaccination anywhere but on your left arm!! :-)

    1. Hi, Nonnie, I’m probably the only person on the planet with a smallpox vaccination on my thigh. Mother never thought i’d wear a swim suit? My Dad tried to rule my life well after I was 18. In those days, 21 was the legal age. I’d call him a “you know what” but it would be an insult to my sweet grandmother.
      Ah, well, the gun thing, I know. You never know what nut case is packing when they come down with road rage. Some young jackass who ran a redlight chased us down and screamed at us because we had made a right turn in front of her ON the green.

  3. I had a phone I was fond of, like you miss your Cascio. It was a little square blue Sanyo phone with a QWERTY keyboard on the front. I like how it looked and that keyboard is soooooooo much easier to use than my smartphone.

    1. I know what you mean. πŸ‘πŸ» I will say that texting, for me, is easier on the smart phone but it’s a big,black flat thing with 0 personality. I don’t like taking photos with it because I’ve had it three years and STILL sometimes get my thumb in the way. Guess what? Some manufacturers are planning to make flip phones again! I can’t wait to see them.

  4. My dad flipped when I got the second and then the third hole in my left ear. He got over it, though. It wasn't like I pierced my face shut or anything.
    Aww...so sweet that everyone made a big fuss over your singing. I'm glad you had that moment.
    I forget about the smallpox vaccine. My scar has faded away over the years till you can't even see it.

    1. My Dad was an authoritarian *ss and lived in fear of having his secrets let out. There is no statute of limitations for his crimes, and he must be relieved that he is dead.
      I eventually got three holes in each ear. They came in handy for studs which are very pretty.
      I loved to sing, and it was fun to remember that time. I was still quite shy, so it took me by surprise. Now, I would have been on American Idol. Which would be a lot of fun. About my scar. It’s the size of a quarter and looks like I was branded. Lol.

  5. Really? You are on instagram? Who knew?
    My mom had one of those small pox scars too. Those things are ugly.

    1. Oh yah, major ugly! Hah about Instagram. πŸ˜‚. I love that place! It’s the best place for a shut in to go birdwatching for one thing. πŸ₯πŸ¦†πŸ¦…πŸ¦‰! And the bugs! πŸœπŸ›πŸ¦‹πŸ•·πŸπŸž‼️ And the sunrises and sunsets, and the crazy meme groupies. Heehee

  6. I forgot about my vaccine scar. I have enough tattoos for now, though, with six. ;)

    1. Six is a nice round number. I’m coming around tomorrow to read everyone’s blogs so I hope you have tat snaps. Lol πŸ˜‚

  7. I don't have an Instagram account! Wow, Zip. You are ahead of the times. That is something I need to look into.

    1. I hope you do, you might like it a lot because it’s really a good photo sharing place. There are a lot of pros there, and they post beautiful things from all over the world. It is my only other internet vice besides blogs. I still love the blogs. They are a big part of life for me. Facebook’s only draw for me was that one of the kids was on it, because she hardly ever emails anymore, just texts. And of course, FarmVille. πŸ˜‚


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..