"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Saturday 9: Watch your mouth... Voices Carry... the Group..

Voices Carry: 

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Voices Carry (1985)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.  

Want to join in or see more answers?  Please Go HERE

This song was chosen because October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this link to The National Domestic Violence Hotline. Let's spread the word that there's help out there.

1) In this song, a woman is "hushed" by her lover. When were you last told to "keep it down?" 
Except for this blog, I am a quiet person.  I think it might have been a long time ago, if ever, that I was told to pipe down about something.  

2) Her lover tells her tears are something to hide. Researchers tell us that crying can be good for us, because by releasing emotional stress, it lessens physical stress on the cardiovascular system. Are you comfortable crying in front of other people?
I can't help crying in front of people. It just happens and no, I'm not uncomfortable except around my in laws who don't cry over much at all.  They made me feel that I was strange because I was emotional.  I just don't cry around them anymore, not even when my daughter died, I fought it off.  

3) In this video, the woman makes a scene by speaking up in a theater. Today theater goers are more likely to be disturbed by a cell phone ringing or its screen illuminating. Are you careful to turn your phone off in the theater, church, etc.? 
I turn mine off when I go to the doctors or the clinic. I don't go to any church, or even a theater.  But IF that's where I was, I would put the phone on Airplane Mode. 

4) When this group, Til Tuesday, was still struggling, Cyndi Lauper was already a star. Cyndi offered to record this song, which would have brought the group some fast cash, but only if they agreed not to record it themselves. Obviously they didn't take the deal. Tell us about a time you took a risk on yourself, and it paid off.
When I started my craft business, new rules were put into place, in 63 was it?  It didn't take long for all the trolls and thieves to come through the craft venues, and blatantly steal original designs and ideas to send to China to be copied.  They took the heart right out of many small craft businesses- The Cabbage Patch Dolls, for instance-  and that just put paid to many small craft businesses, from this coast to the east coast.  I took a risk, but didn't know that one of the untold risks was that the ruthless here would send ideas there, and they would come back as " Americana".  See, kids, I have my reasons.

Thanks Nixon!  And the "Favored Nation" Status you gave them saying it was "Good for Big Business".. and would "bring them out of Communism", that sort of Paid.  So, the answer is, "Never"?  I'm an Economics ranter, too.  In fact I don't believe in Politics.  It's all Economics.

5) Til Tuesday's lead singer, Aimee Mann, went to Open High School in Richmond, Virginia. This charter high school is dedicated to helping students become "self-determined thinkers and learners." Do you recall your high school as permissive or regimented?
Both were regimented.  We wore DRESSES to school.  This was before Mini skirts where even a twinkling in any Mod's Eye.

6) Aimee has been on the road through 2017 and, like most artists, sells tour merchandise. Her line includes reusable tote bags. Do you bring your own bag to the grocery store?
Yes.  All the time.  

7) Aimee has tried her hand at acting and appeared on Buffy, The Vampire Slayer. From Dracula to Barnabas Collins to Lestat, vampires are a popular culture staple (especially in October). What do you suppose accounts for their enduring popularity?
I have no idea.  I've never seen the attraction of Vampires except for comedies, like "Shaun of the Dead".  Now that, my friends, was hilarious!  

8) In 1985, when this song was popular, Bruce Springsteen was at the top of the charts with Born in the USA. A massive commercial success, Born in the USA has sold more than 15,000,000 copies in the United States alone. Is it in your collection?
I like Bruce Springsteen and have always liked this song, but it's not in my collection.  I don't like the videos of it Live.  Who ever made them should get their act together.  Boy, is it an angry song.  
9) Random question: In which race would you do better -- the Iditarod, with sled dogs in Nome, or speeding in a car at 200+ mph at the Indianapolis 500?
There is not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that I would die in either one, but I like Huskeys, so I'll pick that.  Speed is for young people.

Thanks, Sam!  Thanks for everything!


  1. I think I started out not crying in front of others because of my dad. I refused to let him see how much he hurt me. Now I rarely cry even when I'm alone. In fact, there are times when I wish I could cry, but.....nothing.

    Shaun of the Dead really was a funny movie!

    1. The things that parents do just stay in our Psyche's forever, it seems. I wish I could do a repeat, go back and mend things I did as a parent. But it can't happen. Have you tried crying therapy? It's not a sign of weakness, as my in laws seemed to think. It's a stress buster!
      And yes, Shaun of the Dead is funny. I realized, after writing this post, that the movie was not about vampires but about zombies! lol

  2. I think Bruce would appreciate you recognizing how rage in the lyrics of "Born in the USA." I remember an interview he gave long ago, when Ronald Reagan began co-opting it. He felt the meaning behind "Born in the USA" had been completely lost.

    1. Frankly Ronald Reagan was a B Actor who got to play "President" far too long. I saw how he was manipulated by his aide once, and that was enough for me to cue on.
      And yes, the meaning of it was completely lost. And "users" and "takers" never apologize, do they?

  3. Shaun of the Dead--now that's a funny movie! Thanks for reminding me.

    1. Delighted to help! heehee I think I'll watch it again and maybe tonight!

  4. OMG. You have no idea how many times my son has forced me to endure Shaun of the Dead. I had to smile the other day when I was reading an article that was about the behind the scenes and what the actors are doing now. The did however forget to mention that the mom went on to be a major character in Downton Abbey.

    1. OMG. I still love this movie. Oh, I think I know which one on Downton Abbey. Oh! Penelope! Great actress, so fun.
      I have favorite parts of the movie that I look forward to, like the peace lily thing, especially on the train! And that scene with his girlfriend, all suited up in a hazmat crime scene suit.

  5. Re your answer to #2, it reminded me of the saddest thing I ever heard my mother say. My sister had been murdered and my father took it as his own personal tragedy, so much so that my mother told me that three days after her burial, she just HAD to cry, so she went outside to cry so she would not upset him. No wonder they divorced shortly after Karen's death.

    1. Wow! That is so sad. But, sometimes such terrible events do tear families apart.
      I have one dear and sweet SIL that I would die for.
      But, honestly, the others are now behind a brick wall, except, that is, for all my nieces, and their kids, all of whom I would take a bullet for.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..