"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sunday Stealing: Halloween Screams...

Monster Mash

Welcome back to Sunday 

Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all
types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. You may have heard the expression, “honor among thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we try to credit the blog that we stole it from, if possible. We also provide a link to the victim's questions in our "Previous Victims" widget. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") Sometimes we edit the original meme, to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, to select the best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from recently asked questions from a previously post. Cheers to all of us thieves!

In honor of the appoaching Halloween, I found this weirdly formatted set on a question meme site.  

I'd like to say this turned out a lot more somber than I thought it was going to but I've tried to be honest. And I'd also like to say a great big THANK YOU to Bev.  

   ghost: what would you like on your tombstone?
I won't have one.  I'd like to be remembered as Compassionate and Kind.

   dracula: are you afraid of aging? or death?
Nope.  I'm only afraid of the pain, and of not being brave enough to face it with stoicism.

    nosferatu: what, as a child, did you imagine went bump in the night?
To be honest, the first time I can remember being scared out of my wits was when I was three.  My Grandpa had let the Aunties' senior Girl Scout troop have their sleep over in the barn, and my two young Aunties decided that I got to stay with them until bed time.  They started telling Ghost Stories.  I started screaming so loudly that Grandpa and my aunts thought it would be best if I didn't stay. I was also afraid to death of skeletons for quite awhile after that. lol

    godzilla: what do you do when you are angry? are you ever destructive?
I used to get really angry when I was a teen.  But the most destructive thing I've ever done is to kick a wall, and, to my surprise, I actually kicked a hole in it.  Usually I don't destroy anything because you only scare the dog and ruin your own stuff.  I've written a lot of angry letters to so called "public servants", so that's basically what I do now.  I write!

    the blob: do you collect anything? if so, what & why?
I don't collect anything anymore, but I did collect old sewing machines for awhile.  And this was so because I think sewing machines changed the world for women.

    zombie: when was the last time you trusted your gut? was it successful?
My intuition is something that would have made us a lot of money.  Well, it was nixed, and didn't happen so nothing came of it.  So, No. 

    mothra: what is something dangerous that attracts or fascinates you?
Nothing dangerous attracts me, anymore, in that way.  I used to really love to go into old mines and caves.  That's a dangerous attraction.

    king kong: what are some questionable choices you've made lately?
I've decided to go ahead and try some new medicine.  Medicines and I do not have a good working relationship.  I'm thinking this stuff may be next to useless, but what the heck.  At least it isn't experimental.

    alien: what is your strangest feature?
I recently discovered that I have a very small bit of a web in between my two toes, called syndactyly .  Strange it may be, but it doesn't hurt so I'm ok with it?  This may help me swim faster, actually as it serves as a partial fin. 
Not my feet but about the size of mine.
Melanie, are you listening? 

Which is a perfect segue into this next question:

    cthulhu: do you like the ocean? why or why not?
I love the ocean.  If the Oceans were any better off than the Land, I'd like to be a fish.  Anyway, the Ocean: I like being near it.  I love to swim in it, and it actually helps my skin to be healthier.  I wish we were rich enough to have a Salt Water pool.

    nessie: have you ever felt invisible to people -- the feeling of not existing?
Yes, and I like being invisible.  There's a certain freedom in being really nondescript, and not existing on anyone's radar.  Want to know something weird?  Lately I've had the feeling I'm floating up off the bed.  I know it's not real, but mental,  but it feels like weighlessness.

    mutant spider: what is one of your biggest fears?
I haven't got one left.  I've lived it.  I don't really fear anything anymore except more of the same, which, unfortunately can still happen.  As I said, I just pray to be brave.

    werewolf: if you could change into any nonhuman animal and back at will, what animal        would you change into and why?
I'd probably not pick a bear anymore, because some ass hat would probably shoot me.  So, I'll just say a Golden Eagle or a Raven.  Why?  because they are smart, and are sometimes also messengers of The Great Spirit.  I'd like to have that job.

     golem: if you could make up an imaginary friend, what would they be like and why?
My imaginary friend would have blond, curly hair, be 9'9" tall, and have blue eyes.  Why?  Because, I can imagine just the perfect spirit guardian to be this way.

    leprechaun: what is your "pot of gold" (or white whale, if you'd rather)
My obsession (White Whale) is to finally have  the little children be able to live in a world without war.  

    sharktopus: what is something you've done that was ridiculous or a bad decision?
I've lived long enough to have quite a record of bad or ridiculous decisions.  Let me cherry pick one.  It was a bad decision to not go back to college even after the twins were born.  I just should have done it.  We would have had the money to properly educate all our youngsters.  I'm really sorry I didn't do it.

     robot: what is a habit you do without thinking?
Well, I open my eyes to light.  You may think that qualifies as a reflex, but all the rest of auto pilot life is ruled by involuntary muscles, too.  I'm pretty much a robotic machine while driving a car.  Is that a sort of habit you mean?    


  1. I bet your mom was "thrilled" with your aunties after that episode. I wanted to choke my husband's aunt after she allowed my then 3 year old daughter to watch the X-Files with her. She was terrified of using the bathroom for about a year. We finally figured out that she was afraid that something was in the shower and in the kids' bathroom the tub and toilet were side by side. Leaving the shower curtain open helped her to start getting over it.

    Sometimes I think it would be so satisfying to throw some stuff when I'm mad, but as you said...it's my stuff, so I'd only be hurting myself.

    I hope to reach your mindset of finding freedom in invisibility. So far, I don't enjoy it unless I'm really trying to avoid something.

    I pray you never have to meet up with your biggest fear again. It might be mine, but I won't even let my mind go there.

    1. Ah, that thing your little daughter went through was pretty bad. My mother and grandmother were a little miffed but my aunts and the Scouts were very, very kind. I was tiny and cute you see.

      I don't throw things and usually don't kick out, but that time was an over the top teen, not one of mine, who just took our kindness at taking her in off the streets (when she was thrown out at 18) so much for granted that I had to ask her to move out after that.

      Invisibility gives me a lot more freedom at gatherings, because I can think my thoughts, and listen to what the more interesting relatives have to say.

      It was a big fear, and one I wouldn't wish on anyone, ever. It's devastating, and you have so many pieces to put back together it takes years to do that, and maybe forever.

  2. I once punched a hole in a door. I don't do that anymore. I have had my moments. Thankfully they are few. What kind of drugs are you on, that have you floating above yourself in the bed? I think I might want some of those.

    1. I can see why life would make people throw things, smash things, and kick doors in, etc. Sometimes our nervous systems cannot take another little peep! Yes, thankfully we don't do that often.
      Actually I was having that feeling before taking the new drug. This one sort of make me sweaty, like hot flashes... UGH. Anyway, it's just another little sleep aid. You see, I made the wee mistake of telling my doctor that I really didn't care if I lived or I died. She's so very young and sweet. We'll see if it works.

  3. I've never punched a hole in anything either, but my son once literally took apart the closet wall in his sleep. We found plaster all over the floor and blood on his hands. He had no memory of doing it. He was always a VERY sound sleeper!

    1. He was incredibly strong to do that! And not to feel that much pain, either. Extraordinary! And, yes, a VERY sound sleeper.
      My daughter, Elle, who passed away was a sleep walker when she was young, maybe 6, when she came out of her bedroom, crossed in front of all of us (Mr.Z, and my sister and brother were there) headed for the kitchen. I knew what she was going to do. I said, "She wants the bathroom!" As I rounded the corner behind her in the kitchen, she sat down on the little trash can by the stove and took a wee. She never did wake up until I took her little hands in mine to lead her back to her bedroom.

  4. I think my feet are my most weird feature. I also love the ocean.

    1. Feet are strange little leg endings. They have a lot to do with out over all health, too. I was told there is a little pump in them that helps to lift the blood back up the leg, and it operates when we are walking. How cool is that. I haven't checked it out yet so it might be an urban myth, but it's a great idea for future models in Humans if it's not true already.
      I am with you about the Ocean. It's one thing that I can calm myself down with. Just to sit and watch the eternal waves wash in or crash on the shores. Hugs to you and wishing you a Peaceful week.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..