"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Easter Parade: Saturday 9 Song.....

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

If you would like to play along in this fun meme, or see the other entries, go HERE to see the linkie.....

And... Big Thank you to Sam!

Saturday 9: Easter Parade ("In Your Easter Bonnet") (1948)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about a special Easter hat to be worn with your "Sunday best." Will you be getting dressed up this weekend?
No.  Or should I say, Not that I know of....

2) Judy Garland's partner in this movie was supposed to be Gene Kelly, but he was unavailable because he broke his ankle playing volleyball. Have you ever lost a big opportunity because of a medical issue?
Yes, but not because of something that happened to myself.  

It was the summer my Girl Scout Troupe was stepping up into senior scouting from our intermediate scouts.

I was scheduled to go to Santa Catalina Island with my troop for a week.  A week before this trip was scheduled to launch, my mother nearly severed her index finger when sharpening a knife.  My poor Mother had to have an operation, and I was needed at home to help her. 

If I'd seen Catalina when I was that young, I would have disappeared to it later on in my teens.  When I finally saw it, I was completely enchanted.  Mr. Z. had family that lived there, and so it was a friendly and magical place to me.

3) Garland later confessed that, at first, she would have preferred Kelly because she knew him well and was intimidated by Fred Astaire. By the end of filming, she found she enjoyed Astaire a great deal. Can you think of a friend with whom you had a rocky relationship at the beginning?
There was one girl I met in 6th grade, whom I thought didn't like me at all.  When she came around, I always frowned and left.  After about a year of this, she surprised me by asking me, "Why don't you like me".  I was shocked!  We became friends immediately.  She was one of the sweetest people I've ever had as a friend.  We eventually were in Senior Scouts together.

4) This song was inspired by New York City's Easter Parade. Does your community host a similar event?
I don't think so.  Churches here do.

5) The biggest chocolate Easter egg was made in Italy, measured 34 feet tall and weighed a staggering 15,000 lbs. Do you thinks it's possible to have too much chocolate?
It's possible to have too much of anything, including money.  Or Chocolate.  What the dickens did they do with that egg?

6) Jelly beans are also popular this time of year. A 2013 poll tells us that red is by far the favorite jelly bean color, with yellow a distant second. Do you have a preference?
I like Jelly Bellies.  Candy has to have some "POW" to be worth eating, and, for me, jelly beans just don't do it.

7) We've been talking a lot about sweets this morning. The only holiday that generates more candy sales is Halloween. When do you eat more candy: Easter or Halloween?
Definitely Halloween.  That's when there is left over candy, and a lot of it sometimes.  We buy little chocolate bars because that's what kids around here like the best.  So, then, afterwards we enjoy eating up any leftovers.  For Easter, we don't even dye eggs anymore.  Besides, the only ones we hard cook are brown.  Hard to dye those...

8) Easter is considered the season of rebirth. What makes you feel refreshed or rejuvenated?
Taking a shower and washing my hair.  

9)  This year, April Fool's Day happens to coincide with Easter Sunday. Do you expect to fall victim to any pranks this weekend?
Someone might surprise me, but I doubt it.  We will see.........................................;o)

Happy Easter to all the Saturday Niners who celebrate it!


  1. I agree with you on Jelly Belllies!

    1. Aren't they good? Lol. They got a BIG boost from Ronnie. So they are still around and going strong.

  2. Our answers to #8 are identical. How lucky we are to enjoy such a cheap high!

    1. Yes, we are lucky! It really energizes me but also the hair washing of long hair also wears me out. But I feel good mentally!

  3. Don't you love it when you finally get to visit a place you've long wanted to and it lives up to and goes beyond all your expectations? For me, it was Chincoteague Island, VA. I read Misty of Chincoteague when I was 9 and I remember finding out it was a real place and set my sights on seeing it. It took until my mid-20s to get there, but I have been enchanted ever since.

    1. Oh yes, Stacy. It's wonderful to have a place turn out to be sort of Magical. That's Catalina Island.. and evidently, Chincoteague Island too! Enjoy your Easter.. don't fall for any April fools. I'm going to be trolling the internet for the funny ones.

  4. Maybe someone will surprise you with that dang egg :) If it happens be sure to post it on instagram.

    1. You mean the grape ones? Lol. Maybe! And I will be sure to share it on instragram!

  5. One of the most fun memories I have of a trip to California was visiting the Jelly Belly factory!

    1. Oh my! That's exciting. And, you got very close to Bev then! I'm going to have to trek over Modesto valley and up to Sacramento one of these days, so now the jelly Belly factory and Bev are on my bucket list. ;o)

  6. I never had a Jelly Bellies, I always thought that there are just like jelly beans

    1. Oh you are in for a treat, Diana. They are nothing like a gummy jelly bean. Intense!

  7. When I was growing up we always had brown eggs because that was what our chickens laid, and they were terrible for dying. My mom tried, but geez, they were nasty looking.

    1. Too many mistakes in that comment..

      Ah, yes, farm girls were limited in what could be done. We had some white leghorns when I was a kid, and ducks, so it was easier. But....

      Of course that this technique has become Martha Stewarted to death but she didn't think it up or perfect it. There are two things that look beautiful on brown eggs, and one is to take part of a fern frond and lay it delicately on the egg, followed be a tight wrap part of a nylon stocking piece.
      Fasten this tightly with a rubber band and slip it into the dye and let it sit awhile.
      A also used to use thin nylon lacework (scraps) for lacy eggs (without a piece of fern) and wrap the same way. They were pretty but red dye seemed best.

    2. Other plants will work as long as the resist plant is delicate and thinnish.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..