"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Thursday 13 Apollos and a side dish of National Angst...

Apollo 1-13... but first, a word from the New York Times.....

New York Article on Bolton's Early Illegal Spying on US citizens

 "It just gets worser and worser".  Did Yogi Berra actually say that?

 I think we DO have some very bad juju coming down in America.  Better get out those Kevlar umbrellas...

I'm breathing, knitting, eating cookies, and reading until I check out of this Heartbreak Hotel.
As far as a list of thirteen goes, well, I'll pick the Apollo 13 flights, when everything was half ways decent in our country, and we hadn't been taken over by the Borg.

Thirteen Apollo Missions...

Apollo 1.... a tragedy.  Like many Americans,  I wrote a letter to Gus Grissom's wife and children.

Apollo 2. a lot of frightful images of a company that makes massive chicken slaughtering machines came up. BUT,  Apollo 2 never flew, and this is not just a joke.  I wouldn't kid about something so gruesome....

Apollo 3. It was launched and carried out part of the scrubbed Apollo 2 mission.

Apollo 4  This was an unmanned mission, to test the rockets and probably some other telemetry that isn't talked about.

Apollo 5 : another unmanned mission that tested the lunar module and recovery procedures  of same.

Apollo 6  The final unmanned test of the Saturn 5 rocket and the lunar module.

Apollo 7  AKA as the Walt, Wally, and Donn Show...  The link is great.

Apollo 8  This one went around the moon with it's crew of three, and it brought them back home to the Pacific Ocean... Yay!😅

Apollo 9  This Apollo Mission took the crew and the Spider (The Lunar Module) with it and did a little dance in the face of the Moon Pixies... Not bad!  They did a bunch of other tests but you can follow the link for the whole enchilada.

Apollo 10  This flight was the second extra-vehicular space exploit for the Spider.  It was the closest mission, to date, for a flyby.  A tease in other words.  It was also a full dress rehearsal for Apollo 11's mission... Close but do not touch.  It had to be hard for the astronauts.

 Apollo 11.  Touch down!  A foot into that outer-space window/door.. and the famous "Giant Leap for mankind" mini speech by astronaut Neal Armstrong.

Apollo 12    This mission was to retrieve some of the other manned missions' bits and pieces for examination of the effect of the lunar environment on them, and to, of course, test the lunar landing module

Apollo 13   Just about every American alive remembers this mission.  And a very fine dramatization was made of it, Tom Hanks played the command Pilot, James Lovell.

And, of course, there were other missions after this, but 13 is the magic number..

And, of course, this all is a whole conspiracy to cover up the expenditure of such vast sums of the taxpayer's money on donuts and coffee for dancing girls and wild parties at the Space Agency, as well as big shopping trips to Europe and let's see.... garages full of Corvettes and Lamborghinis? 


  1. Wait; what? Humans on the Moon? Nah. Never happened. Fake News! Hahahahahaha!!!!

    1. Many believe it to be fake, so droll... however, I really think we have been suffering from Russian trolling from a lonnnngggg time ago. The jealous Poots!

  2. Googling is more fun than crossword puzzles. I never knew there were so many Apollo flights. And then there is Apollo Theater... and the Greek God.

    1. I’m also glad for page bookmarks. heehee 😉 And, though crosswords are a lot of fun, Internet searches are even fun, as you say. I’m also thankful we still have the black web, something I recently discovered through, of all things, the movies! 😎. Holleeewoood!

  3. Replies
    1. Why, thank you Mz Sandy... I’ll rip it down in a few days.. April Fool’s Day is Easter this year. It seems like the universe is telling us something every now and again, but just what that something is remains to be seen....

  4. I love space stuff so this was right up my ally! What a shame the program has become so ho-hum that we pay no attention anymore, as if going into space was an ordinary, every day occurrence.

    1. I know what you mean about that.. the NASA budget cuts were the last nail... The ones who run things here can make more money...tons more.... supplying the military for endless warfare and puppet government manufacture. So now, we have more of that.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..