"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Saturday 9... Reba!

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

I've got a very special love for this Lady. 

If you were to...... 

READ about her first band.....
then you will understand 
....she just took my heart away........
You can sing that bit to any one of your favorite country tunes.

I'm using blue so the color blind can read the answers without a struggle.  Also, If you'd like to join in to this fun meme.. go HERE  
And, THANK you GAL!  for doing this  for such a long, long time! ❤️ 

1) This song is about a woman who married at 20. It's estimated that the average American groom is 2.5 years older than his bride. Why do you suppose that is?
I don't know but I think it might be because a slightly older man seems to be better adjusted?  Maybe he's grown up enough to be more appealing to a woman?

2) A 2014 study shows the bigger the age gap in a marriage, the more likely the couple is to divorce. What do you think is the reason for most divorces?
Incompatibility is the given reason. Abuse is another... And I'd have to say that unfaithfulness ranks right up there with that.  Of course, abusive or unfaithful spouses are going to wind up incompatible.  Irreconcilable differences.  

3) Reba's second marriage recently ended. Statistics show that second marriages are more likely than first marriages to wind up in divorce. Why do you suppose that is?
Women with successful careers are unlikely to stay in a marriage that has "irreconcilable differences".  If I had a successful career, I wouldn't stay with an abusive or unfaithful husband.  Heck I wouldn't stay with one even if I had to live in a trailer park the rest of my life.  It's just.. a bridge too far to me to cross... I am not my mother...

4) This week's featured artist, Reba McEntire, was discovered when she sang The National Anthem at an Oklahoma City rodeo. Have you ever been to the rodeo?
Yes, I tend to like Rodeos.  But I haven't been to one is ages.  I'm a Country Girl... 

5) Reba dropped out of Southeastern Oklahoma State University to go to Nashville and pursue a recording career. In that way, she's like the woman she sings about in this week's song. "She's done what she should, should she do what she dares?" Do you ever regret a risk or opportunity you didn't take?
My only regret in this case (and the one that wouldn't have changed everything else for the sake of one thing) is that I didn't finish my education right after the twins were born, and thereby setting my feet on the path of becoming a special ed teacher.  I had a handicapped brother, you see... I had the desire to help kids like him...Also....My kids would have all had college money since teachers know all the "Ins" and "Outs" of that one, and there would have been money to set aside for their tuition.  And, I'd have probably been happier because money helps a lot to keep home life from being, so very "threadbare", since wages stagnated in 1973, a year after the twins were born.  

6) Reba's heroine is "dying to try something foolish, do something crazy, or just get away." Does that sound like you? What would you do, just for yourself, if time and money were no object?
Time and money no object.... I'd buy homes, mostly along the coast, but a few in the mountains,  in a few places all up the West Coast.  That way we could go there and stay in comfort from time to time.  I'd get a couple houses on the East Coast. One in Maine, and then I could do the five mountains, and visit Kwizgiver and my niece.  And, a house within striking distance of Washington D.C. because I'd love to see all the things back on the East Coast, since D.C. is central to the south and the north.  D.C. also has the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington memorial and Arlington and the National Archives..  I'd like to go visit some friends in Arlington.  And at least ONE in Virginia. ;o)

7) Reba recently became a spokesperson for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Whose chicken do you eat most often: Popeye's, Church's, Chick-fil-A or KFC?
None of the above.  We don't normally eat chicken, out,  except from a couple of tiny restaurants in Liberty Station.  

8) In 2001, Reba starred in her own sitcom. On the show, her character is first an administrative assistant and then a real estate agent. Have you ever tried your hand at either of those occupations? If not, which do you think you would be a better fit for you?
No.  As for a better fit.... though it might not seem so, I have zero interest in real estates selling, or administration of any kind.   I'm pretty sure that I would make a top drawer human rights lawyer.

9) Random question: Which of these super powers would you rather have -- extraordinary strength or invisibility?
I'll go with invisibility.  I'd love to be able to stealth around and find out just what the Hey is going on behind closed doors in Washington, and how much torque the Russian Trolling Team Info has had against Judges, Congressmen, Representatives, and other important people who make the big decisions.  It would be very good to know.  


  1. I can't picture myself ever staying with an abusive man, either. Definitely not if he ever raised a hand to my children. I just can't imagine the mindset, how insecure or cowed you'd have to be to stay.

    1. I agree with you.. Men who do this to their wives and children are bullies and brutes, but amazingly powerless in the world of other men. My mother was from a different era... and she also had a great dad and was a continent away from her family. She tried to do what she could. But now? A woman should just leave...take the kids and leave for good.

  2. It is never too late to go to college, I did it at 59.

    1. I admire that you did that. Good for you! I might have done it in my 50’s but by then I was crippled and sick.

  3. #3 is interesting. "I am not my mother." That has a lot to do with why I never really wanted to marry. My parents were both desperately unhappy in their marriage. There was no abuse, just suppressed anger and passive-aggression and incompatibility. I think they stayed together just because they couldn't afford to live separately. It was horrible to live with all that tension, and when you grow up with that, it's hard to imagine there's any other way. Bravo to you and Mr. Z for forging your own, leaving the past behind!

    1. That terrible undercurrent of unhappiness you must have felt is very sad, Gal. And yes, when you grow up with that, it’s something that informs all of your life choices. I was very lucky to find such an amazing man and at just the right moment, too. I sometimes wish we could have delayed beginning a family, but Vietnam ruled life in those days, and being unexpectedly pregnant saved a fine man from that nightmare.

  4. I would take you to the most beautiful spots Maine has to offer! :)

    1. Oh, you are such a sweetie!! I’d gladly fly the Saturday Nine Lear jet to see you. We could do this! Well, when the airports are back up.. what a snowstorm! 😳 Stay safe!!

  5. I think that you hit the nail on the head in #3. Women can earn their money and take care of themselves or unfortunately, look for love (kind of like what men have been able to do before women started going back to work..)

    1. Oh yes, we surely can if we want to. Men used to be able to cheat with the office personnel with impunity. Now women can. 🤭

  6. I am not my mother, either, thank god. For one thing I chose a better partner. For another, I tried to do good for my community, family and friends. I went back to school and finished my masters when I was 49, and while I would like a ph.d. I can't see the point in it now.

    1. I think you are soul mates, you two. That is a comforting thought to actually know two people who care more about the other than themselves. A very big deal especially nowadays. And about the PhD. It might be worth it just for a life enriching exercise. I think you should just start.. let it take you where it will.... ~♥~ Wings! ;o)

      I wish I hadn't just caved in and let my good schooling years go by. But I did read a lot and became the best wife and mother I could. My family deserved nothing less, I reckon.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..