"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Lipgloss application at 55 Miles per.... Mon Dieu! Saturday 9.

Readers: Do you want to join in?  Go HERE   It's fun.

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Cat's in the Cradle (1974)

This song was chosen in honor of Father's Day. Hear it here.

 1) This song began as a poem, written by Harry's wife Sandy before the couple even met. Have you ever tried your hand at writing poetry?  Yes, and aside from a little funny Doggerel, and the occasional Haiku, I'm hopelessly bad at it. 

 This photo is from Telegraph.CO.UK
Such Beauty of  Soul, in such a frail human form
 "I can't communicate!"  A line from my favorite modern poet, Sylvia Plath.
2) The lyrics include a reference to "The Man in the Moon." The original Mother Goose rhyme ends: "It's time for the children on earth to think about getting to bed." Do you remember what time your childhood bedtime was?  Yes, it was 9PM.

3)  When did you go to bed last night?
Bed at 10:30pm... sleep shortly after 2:46am.  Sleep has been eluding me for a while.  It's getting better, though Instagram gets a lot of attention when I finally throw in the towel and give up on getting to sleep.  Value added Insomnia? 

Minions, what's not to like?

4) In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed the proclamation that made Father's Day a holiday on the third Sunday in June. Can you name all 45 Presidents? (No, you don't have to list them here.)  Yes, and er.. no sort of now... *looks dreamily off into space*

But, mostly, it's fading, quite True.
Sometimes I get Hayes and Buchanan mixed up,
And Tyler and Taylor,  Mon Dieu!

Now there's just GOT to be a tune in that one....  😉

5) Since Sam's father is particular about his Cole Haan loafers, her Father's Day present to him is always a DSW gift card. Who on your gift list is especially easy to buy for?  My kids.  They are so far away we send them electronic e-gift cards now.  We don't buy presents for anyone else anymore, or each other. Well, unless expensive popcicles count.  And some truffles from See's.  

Seriously Yummy!

6) Sam's father is a voracious reader. So much so that the local librarian knows him on sight and by name. When did you last visit your neighborhood library? Not for awhile,  and that was just when I had to renew my card.  Since the library is on the way to the place that Hubby takes Wolfie walking, Mr. Z picks up my books and returns them.   

And my sister cannot read books anymore, so she and I don't get to the County library either.  We used to Haunt the place every week.

I would have linked it but the ads would drive you MADD!

7) Back when Sam was in high school, her father gave her driving lessons. Do you consider yourself a good driver?  Yes, and I've driven since I was 13 or so.  I'm old, you see, before The NEW Draconian LAWS were passed!  

And, semi rural kids got away with it back then.  Besides I learned to drive in the San Gabriel Riverbed.  I think all my cousins learned there, too, and half the rest of the kids in that area.  We made quite a sand storm in that river on the weekends.  Whoot!  
I've already lost use of my Bike Wheels.   I hope to keep the Car Wheels in my Mobility stable a little longer....

Now kids learn the finer points of driving at the stadium parking lots.  This is all important to be able to put on lip gloss at a safe 55mph. 

8) He is a stickler about car maintenance and reminds Sam to check her car's air filter regularly, because a dirty air filter can reduce mileage. Share your own car maintenance tip.
Modern cars monitor the tire pressure, but they don't keep track of the tread.  That's the driver's job, and speaking of tires, remember to get them rotated when the schedule rolls up.

9) Whenever he fills up the car, Sam's father also stocks up on his favorite candy: LifeSavers. So Sam is celebrating Father's Day by giving everyone a roll. Would you prefer Wild Cherry, Butter Rum, Winter Green or Peppermint?   Yes, please.. Wintergreen, but really, I like them all.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Great answers and made me smile! Especially the library pic! I like your little poem about the presidents. Driver's ed wasn't offered when I came of age to drive so my dad taught me. Lip gloss at 55 and mascara at the traffic signals! I don't understand why they don't put on makeup at home.

    1. Hi Nonnie. I think that the Teens just think they are indestructible. And, they are not, unless they've had a tragedy in their lives, thinking about consequences. Their brains work so fast, and their attention span is not that great. There, a total teen diagnostic in five seconds. lol
      Thanks for the comment about my tiny doggerel, and I'm also glad to make you smile. That library pic made me giggle when I googled it.
      Smiling is important in this "best of all possible worlds". ;o)

  2. I learned to drive around 13, too, and yes, rural kids got away with it. Had to drive tractors and all that stuff.

    1. Yes, they did have to drive tractors. I got to drive pick ups. And, when I was really teeny tiny, I got to ride a plow horse home from the fields. Whee!

  3. I only go to the library to get DVDs, I download both eBooks and audio books from the library website.

    1. Library visits with my kids were fun. But now, it's nice to be able to have someone else pick them up or better still, to use Overdrive. Love that app. I'll have to check out the audio part though.. never done that. Whoever thought Overdrive up was a GENIUS!

  4. Love your minion funny as I'm sitting here with the grandbaby watching them now. They crack me up every time.

  5. Oooo. Truffles from See's. I want to be on your gift list!

  6. I'm with you--Overdrive, CloudLibrary, and Axis360 are all downloadable libraries for me! Free books are right in my price range. :)

  7. The tire tread tip is important. I had to do an article about car insurance, and people just don't give that a moment's thought anymore ... much to their peril, especially on wet roads.

  8. My dad worked in tires his whole career and is always getting on me about getting my tires rotated. He loves me so!

  9. You're a hoot Zip! I don't know what is worse- the make up or the cell phones. Some drivers really scare me...


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..