"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Updated:Sunday Stealing: Runway.. or is that, Runaway? hmmm

Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing.

This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. (Past hosts include: Our first - Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and Bud)  Cheers to all of us thieves!


This is from "Today is a Fashion Show and the World is My Runway."

1. Five ways to win your heart

You should be Kind to all creatures, meaning humans or other earthlings.
And also be Generous with your time, and funds, for the less fortunate.

You could bring me a Puppy, baby bird, or a Kitten to care for.
Or you could let me see you comfort those whom you come across who so obviously need it.
And, of course you could offer to share your chocolate. ;o)
2. Something you feel strongly about

My Country's Constitution, and the People it Protects. 
3. A book you love

And The Ladies of the Club  by Helen Hooven Santmyer.

4. Five pet peeves

Peeves ... hmmm...  I don't like to innumerate these usually, but...
I'm too old to be peevish so it's not easy, you see, to dig them out and then they seem supremely petty!  (not a pun!) But here goes. 

1. Don't use my good scissors for your toenails.  No one actually does that here, but there you are, if you did I would be VERY put out!

2. People who don't pick up poodoo after their dogs.  NOT, mind you, the ones who come back and clean it up because they had forgotten a bag..... but the ones who come by late and at night to let their huge, unleashed Labradors poop right where one has to step to get into the passenger side of the car. 

3.  I'm such a loser I had to Google "pet peeve" for the rest of the pet peeves.
 here's what I found that I thought was "Hilarious".  I know, I know...you hate when people say that.. 

From Huffington Post:
"73. People who send emails longer than three sentences, or one paragraph. Call or explain in person. Who has time to read through all of that?

74. People who complain that they don’t have time to read emails or tweets or know what’s up because they’re “too busy,” implying that you’re a loser with too much spare time. "
Isn't THAT a kick in the head?  Hate that phrase, too, don't you.  Come on. Admit it. 🙄
4. Personal trainers who talk non stop about THEIR greatness.
From MAX Ott, Arrogant Personal Trainer video

5.People who try so hard to be Hip about how UN Bigoted they are when they clearly ARE Bigots.  
5. What you ate today
Oh Goody!  You picked a very good day to ask this.  Color me almost Angelic!
Breakfast was Oatmeal with cranberries, and a banana, Lunch snack was an apple with cheese and some dark chocolate for a chaser.  Dinner was a half a sandwich with carrots and celery and some of those naughty ruffle potato chips. 

6. How important do you think education is? 


It is of paramount importance.  We could do MUCH better at providing funds to educating our youngsters after the first 12 years in this country.  I resent deeply that the Pell grants were eliminated, the money snatched up, and they were not re-instated until quite a bit later.  

It was a scam of high treason if you ask me.  I cannot say anymore without getting politically involved but just look at what Reagan did, vis a vis the new voluntary military and the Pell grants .  
Anyone who thinks that education is not a benefit for the nation and that we have no stake or right to it for our tax dollars, should just look at what happened in other countries that have leaders that also played craps with the funding for higher education. 
Ask the new leaders of Cambodia, or Laos, or I could name a half dozen others.  The article dates to the time that my highly qualified daughter, Elle, with a 4+ GPA, graduated. Unfortunately, she needed college grants to fund her schooling.  She would have had a completely different life trajectory if I'd have been able to get them for her.
7. Five people you find attractive

Mr.Z.  He still has that certain.... magic.
George Clooney.. sorry Kwizgiver, you must share. lol
James Garner
Ewan McGregor
Paul Walker

8. What you wore today

Today being Saturday, I am wearing my little ancient Indian cotton dress, and a Wallis Beery over the top of it.  Mine is actually a Wallis Beery.  That shirt's now called a Henley, for all you newbies. 😉
9. Something you always think “what if” about

See #6
10. Something you’re proud of

Proud? Lemme seeeee...... I'm not having as many nightmares.  I'm also moving a tiny bit more.  You know, being less hermit like.  But being a Hermit is still VERY appealing.  And, I'm making the short fingered gloves, five pair so far.  I'll have a dozen at some point, the end of September.  I can only finish one about every five or six days.  I'm crawling, but I'm moving... 

11. Five items you lust after

I'm so old that IF I don't have it, I really don't NEED it, so this is a full on NULL for lusting....
12. Five words/phrases that make you laugh

Kerfuffle, "Go all pear shaped", "Eat well.  Exercise. Die anyway."  Waddle, and can't think of anything else.  sorry

I have a little wooden doll with that one phrase written on it.
13. A quote you try to live by
"If Kindness is recognized as your Virtue, you have achieved your purpose completely." 
The Tao de Ching

14. Something you like and dislike about yourself.

The thing that I dislike is that I swallowed other people's bitterness.  The thing that I like is that I grew spiritually whenever I got a smack down, and have finally left the end judgement to Metatron.  

15. A problem that you have had?
 I've never felt like I fitted in intellectually or even spiritually, anywhere I've lived so far, except for the time I've spent in Central Coast.  I'm really going to end up a Hermit in a Housing Tract, if I live that long.  Remember, Dear....You did ask.....
Meet Emma, The Welsh Hermit

 For Emma's story, Go HERE  

If you would like to join in the fun or read the rest of the crews Thieving tales, go HERE


  1. We think alike on several things today. Thank you for explaining Wallis Beery...I had no clue. Another peeve I thought of after reading your list...When you miss someone's call by one ring, call them back immediately and get their voicemail. You know they have that cell phone within a foot of their hand, if not on their person. What the heck did they find to do in the last 5 seconds that they can't answer??

    1. You're welcome. I grew up calling those shirts Wallace Beery's. So, I've always called them that. Wallace Beery had a son named Noah who was an actor. You probably have to be my age to remember either of them, or the impact the father had on Hippy "Styles". lol
      About the phone. I usually don't use the phone for anything but messages and the odd call to or from the kids. But I sure like them. I remember having to use pay phones and it sucked!

  2. I have been surprised at similarities I've seen in everyone's answers - Kerfuffle is on my list. And I share your hermit tendencies and now that I work from home? I have to force myself to leave the house.

    1. Hi Dana! Nice to meet you! And Welcome. I was a mother with kids who loved Anne of Green Gables and Kerfuffle was a word I first heard from the actress who played Anne's Auntie in the first (and best imo) of it. I glommed onto that word immediately! So funny!
      I'm getting a little better at leaving the house but most of what I have to do is right here, inside it, and I don't think anything at all of staying inside it for weeks on end. Working from home seems to be Ideal! I do like my little wreck of a garden, but the sun burns my skin now, and I see no reason not to hide from it.

  3. I used the word kerfuffle yesterday and we laughed and laughed about it.

    1. It's a crazy word! It really makes me smile, as do some of the new ones that the Thieves have now taught us all. heeeheee

  4. I too have become a hermit in the last five years, although some would say I have almost always been one. Mostly I prefer my own company to that of others though I do get lonely. Fortunately I have friends who understand me.

    1. Hermitage, here we come! Lol. I've also tended to be a loner, since I got married and moved to San Diego. I just don't make friends in any neighborhood now. I want to wander the lonely moors like some Gothic Heroine.
      Illness is the one thing that can start to make a hermit of people who can't get around well or feel well enough to visit or go rambling.
      My problem is that most of my friends have passed away, and others always were selfish enough that if a person wasn't ALWAYS the one to go see them, the friendship died.
      Since you are immobilized by an illness, and your friends still come see or keep in touch with you, then I feel you have found true friends. And friends who understand you are a treasure. Beyond Price actually!
      One of the Wonderful things about the bloggers on the internet is that you sometimes find people who can care about you who are thousands and thousands of miles away. That's a great comfort. Sending love and healing your way. You are a sweet friend. Email me anytime. I don't have yours. Tell me,here, to watch for it when you do. I'm sort of lax in that... sadly...


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..