"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Saturday Nine is The Cookies, song is "Chains"

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other partici-pants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme! 

Friends, if you want to join into the Saturday 9 fun, go here. 

Saturday 9: "Chains"

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here

1) The song is about a woman who is in love with her boyfriend, but still attracted to someone else. Do you believe a woman can be in love with more than one person at a time?  
No.  I don't believe it's possible.  Attraction is not Love.  Love is a deep commitment.

2) What about the male of the species? Do you believe a man can be in love with more than one person at a time?  
See answer 1.  Equal rights an all, ya know?

3) This lyrics were by Gerry Goffin and the music by Carole King. Carole was a favorite guest of David Letterman's. When she appeared on his show, he often commented on how impressed he was by her firm handshake. She credited her memorable grip to time spent milking goats on her Idaho farm. Have you poured goat milk on your cereal? Eaten goat milk yogurt or cheese?

Yes.  Grandma kept cows, and we drank their milk (and the home cheeses that were made from it )throughout WWII, though she kept no goats.  

And, the only animals my mother kept on her little farm were small ones which she raised for eggs and meat.  But a nearby farmer kept goats and, later on, another kept cows.  Mother traded for those products.  So, yes, thanks to the "Farm Barter Network", I've consumed both goat's milk and goat cheese.  

And you expected a simple "yes", or "no".  Buhahahahaha!

4) When it first came out, "Chains" was a favorite of 18-year-old George Harrison. It was at his recommendation that the Beatles added it to their early stage shows and even recorded it on their first album. When you were in high school, what was one of your favorite songs?

"Earth Angel" was the first one that lept to mind.  That's when we all were collecting recordings on little 45's.  I tell you, it was so much fun to go into a record store and buy these little things.

But then there was "Rock around the Clock"!  I have this record though, sadly, it's cracked.

5) In 1962, when this song was released, epic movies were popular on the big screen. The Longest Day was three hours long, and Lawrence of Arabia ran more than three hours and a half hours. Today's most popular movies are nowhere near that long. Do you think the average American has a shorter attention span today than he did in 1962? 

Sadly, I believe this is true.  I blame all the poisons in the air and water.  This is no joke.

6) In 1962, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy went on a two-week goodwill tour of India and Pakistan. She received a ceremonial "welcome necklace" in India. Made without jewels or precious metals -- just beads, sequins and paper -- it was valued by the First Lady for its delicate appearance and craftsmanship, and today it's on display at the John F. Kennedy Library. Tell us about a piece of jewelry that means a great deal to you, and why.
I have my Grandmother's Locket.  She died when I was ten, and my Grandpa sent it to mother, who gave it to me.

7) In Pakistan, Mrs. Kennedy made headlines by riding a camel. Have you ever ridden a horse, donkey, camel or elephant?

I've only ridden horses.  Well, maybe there was a donkey in there somewhere.. can't recall.  I was going to ride a camel one year, at a circus, but the line was "a mile long" and I felt sorry for the camel.  

8) Also in 1962, the New York Newspaper Guild went on strike, so the nation's largest city went 114 days without a single daily paper. In 2018, how do you get your news?

I get it on the internet.  The local Paper is a rag.  I'd like to live in an enlightened city because here, the whole place seems teeming with and being run by Big Moneymen.  
My favorite newspaper  person retired and went on to write for the Reader.  That's something I DO read from time to time.

9) Random question -- Complete this sentence: Before I go to sleep, 
I always brush my teeth, take a couple of meds, and start to listen to the "...wind of my soul".

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. 
As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. 
But it is not a rule. 
We haven’t any rules here. 
Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, 
"Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" 
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Based on your song selection, we must be close in age. I really am not sure how newspaper publishers stay in business these days. Must be the crossword puzzles.

    1. Hi Elizabeth. If you were in high school in the late 50’s then we are both war babies. *waves* welcome to Saturday Nine.
      About newspapers: we get a physical local newspaper three days a week. But I read several on line from here to New York. And yes, I love crosswords, so that’s why I’m glad we can read on line. Our paper was just sold again, so I’m hoping for the best. I keep my eye on it. I don’t have a lot of free time and resent biased news.

  2. Our answers for 1 and 2 are the same this week. There's a big difference and what the world often refers to as love is, in my humble opinion, nothing more than attraction.
    Love those songs from the 50s thanks to Happy Days being the dominating show when I was growing up.

    1. I guess I’ve had a long time to contemplate the meaning of words, and yes, I think that what you say is true. These songs were for teens, mostly, and they are just learning about love. But Tina Turner’s song, “What's Love Got to Do With It?” hints at the mistakes to be made, and it’s a perfect illustration of the difference.

  3. "Love is a deep commitment" so true!

    1. Yes, it is. Love is the deepest emotion we have, and the most powerful for transforming lives. Have a lovely week, Diana.

  4. Hey Zips! Yes, love is a big commitment. I honestly think I found it once. About 5 years ago. I couldn't believe that someone could treat me so well. I never had anyone show me so much attention and love. But... he moved too fast for this old girl. I wanted to wait, like I never did with anyone else. I 'waited' him right out the front door. Then, sadly, he killed himself. Talk about never wanting to get in to THAT situation again. So, I remarried my first husband. A great companinon that I love, in a companion sort of way . Have a great weekend! Mair... https://500words500days.wordpress.com/

    1. Hey, Mary. Sometimes things are not able to be overcome in a relationship, and a suicidal bent can take down love. It's sad.

      I like that you have found love, happiness, and contentment in companionship. I'm reading a book called, Writing a Woman's Life, and in it the author discusses many of the ways that women writers in the last century found to be loved in their later years without being stifled by the male dominance thing.
      And the word "Companionship" came up a lot in the way that their marriages and partnerships were conducted. It left them free to write and also to have the comfort of a committed relationship.

  5. Thank you Kindly, Mz Kwizzie. I hope you have a lovely Sunday and rest of the week. It's roasting hot here. We've been cocooning.

  6. Damn...you actually made me think on that first one. Oh, and the air will not be getting any better for a couple of years. Pinch me.....I'm in the midst of a nightmare.

    1. Well, thinking is good, yes? More Muscle power for the brain cage!
      I'm going Home and I'm staying Home. I won't drag anyone else into this dimension EVER again. Color me DONE! lol

      *Pinch* Did that help? I hope it's the end of a Nightmare for us all. And that we, even the real boneheads among us take the lesson! But, we've been sleepwalking for a almost a century about what the Washington Goons were up to. Ike warned us!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..