"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, July 30, 2018

The British Genocide: An Era Of Darkness The British Empire in India

Lest Other souls be forgotten in the rush to whole dialog...

Since the topic of the many annihilations and genocides has come up in one of the week end Memes, I wanted to put this book up for people who may want to seek the truth about what went on in the world under the British Raj.   The Indian Subcontinent still is suffering from the reverberations. 

The Nazis are rightly a watch word of Genocide, but there have been worse.  They should not be alone in being pilloried for their ruthless and genocidal march across the Earth.


  1. Why are humans on Earth like this?

    1. I think the trouble is that our instincts are stronger, buried deep in the DNA, and we have not overcome that with compassion and reason yet.
      Humans have an animal instinct called, "Consciousness of Kind". We are so close to being chimpanzees that it isn't funny. We haven't, as a whole species, become REAL Human Beings in all the last 1,000 centuries even though we have had the big rational parts of the brain fully awake and functioning for that long at least.

  2. Added to my 'Want to Read- Don't Own' folder in Goodreads!! I'm reading the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich right now! oooo, real thick book with six 'parts' within. I'm about to finish only the second part. I do understand it's not just isolated to the Third Reich, but I do want to get educated a little more on others out there. Maybe I'm narrow minded in saying this, but ..is it just about the white vs. the non white across the times? :'( geez Earthlings on this Planet. She will outlast (hurt, but outlast)- we will not.

    1. I've got Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, and read it back when it was first published. It's an amazing book. I also am aware that Britain impoverished Germany shamelessly after WWI. Hitler didn't rise up in a vacuum but was truly PO'd about seeing little kids dig for scraps in trash cans. I'm not making an excuse, just an observation. Innocent people aren't guilty EVER. They just are not.
      We don't know HALF of what our government does to earn the enmity of other nations, and we are a free society.
      I'm expecting to be shocked (a lot) by Tharoor's book. Will Durant talked about such things in the 1930's but we were in the midst of a depression so England was bleeding India dry at a good time to escape the notice of most people who would be ALL over it. This book by Sashi Tharoor is a long time overdue, too.
      Well, it's not just about whites vs non whites but the majority is. There has been all sorts of ethnic and ideological "cleansing" down through the ages.. The Ainu in Japan, the Tibetans in Asia, the Karen in Myanmar, etc etc.
      And, it's good to know that the Earth will survive even if we don't, isn't it. The hard part is that the rest of the biosphere will not either. Those "other" earthlings are not to blame at all. And to be honest, the vast majority of human kind is not either.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..