"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday Stealing:

Things you can't possibly know....

Thank you, Kwizgiver, for the following questions!
(Pretend there were 29 questions you already answered!) 

Boy oh boy this Puppy is long...
Go HERE to join in the fun and pick up on the Linkie.

Now ..... Away we GOOOO

30. What color is your watch?
Silver and Gold tone

31. What do you think of when you think of Australia?  

Ouch,  Now, that was a raw nerve shooting off..
You are a person who wants and respects honesty so here goes:  The very first thing I think of is the plight of the Australian Aboriginal people.  It's sort of Engraved on my heart.

This is not because I'm inherently a negative person; it is that I am someone who thinks that problems can't be solved unless people recognize them, and many in Australia are working on this very thing, helping the Aborigines.  
There is a very interesting group of doctors working on getting the natural diet back into Aboriginal life and the results have been breathtaking.  
Netflix has the documentary in which these doctor's and nutritionist's work is highlighted.  
No matter what side of the divide you are on, the work these young medical people are doing with the Aboriginal diet is awe inspiring to say the least.   I watched this documentary when it first came out and have never forgotten it.  Now Netflix has it up.

32. Ever ridden on a roller coaster?
No.  It's just really not my thing.

33. Birthstone? 
Various.  Depends on what chart you read.

34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
There's only one fast food place we go to anymore, and they don't have a drive  through.

35. Do you have any friends on facebook that you actually hate?
I'm not on Facebook, at all.

36. Do you have a dog?
Yes, and I really want to spend more time with him.  He is aging awfully fast, and I'm not going to miss the chance to love him and pay attention to him.  I think I'll brush him every day.  And look into those amazing big, round, brown eyes of his.  His eyes are as big as mine are.  He is going blind now.

37. Last person you talked to on the phone?
My hubby

38. Have you met anyone famous? 
Not really.  A couple of people, in passing.  Both entertainers.

39. Any plans today?
I'm going to knit a bit, watch a BBC show about sellers' home improvements, and also try to find someone local to fix my little typewriter.

40. From whom did you get this?
From Bev, an amazing person who kept this meme alive, who got it this week, from Kwizgiver.

41. Are you happy? 
I am content.

42. Where are you right now? 
Right in front of my computer eating an apple and cheese.  Hopefully I leave here soon.

43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? 
Losing so many plants to the brutal summer sun.

44. Last song listened to? 
"Timothy Leary's Dead" by the Moody Blues.  Don't ask... *rueful smile*

45. Last movie you saw? 
It was a hyper violent movie called "Wind River", created by Netflix to highlight a social injustice to Native American Women.

46. Are you allergic to anything? 
Several and various things.  

47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
I like to go barefoot, but I do like Tevas, and Clark's Sandals and slides.

48. Are you jealous of anyone?

49. Are you married? 

50. Is anyone jealous of you? 
I REAAALLY doubt it.

51. What time is it? 
2:22 PM PDT

52. Do any of your friends have children?
Lots of them.

53. Do you eat healthy? 
Organic and yes, I do.

54. What do you usually do during the day?
I do a little habitat upkeep/improvement, run through Pinterest and Instagram, do a little knitting, and I spend time loving the little dog, my hubby and watching home improvement shows, mysteries, or chick flicks in the afternoon. 

55. Do you hate anyone right now? 
Hate?  No, not really.  Some people, like Hypocrites, are hard to Love... It's better to not stir the pot.

56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? 
Mostly I use, "Howdy" or,  "Hiya", but sometimes say, "Hello".

57. How many kids do you want when you're older?
I'm too old for this meme.  

58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 
Seventy-Six, and yes, all you humor seeking detractors out there, that IS a gas company.  

C/o of Amazon Prime
Want to buy one?  Just go to Amazon

59. Have you ever been to Six Flags?  Moi?  

60. How did you get one of your scars?
I got a nice big one from jumping a barbed wire fence on the ranch.  I went across a lot of barbed wire fences, due to being a semi rural kid who grew up on part of the Garvey Ranch, and then as a Geology major in college, and then as a Rockhound for the rest of my life.


  1. Interesting (and admirable) that you think about the indigenous people of Australia. It's a nightmare 200 years in the making - and there are no right or wrong answers - as with most indigenous communities around the world. Some good things have happened and are happening. It's all hard stuff.

    1. Thank you so much, Pandora, for your thoughts on this.
      It is very hard stuff,and as you say,"some good things have happened and are happening".
      I'm always hoping that some sort of peaceful place can be reached so that the Indigenous people's approach to living with the Earth rather than against it will prevail, and before it's too late.
      On a side note, I have a rainstick, quite old and love it for calming myself down. I'll put a picture of it up on Thursday. Take care and safe travels. Happy Birthday or Belated, if I missed it.

  2. Scars from barbed-wire? Ouch! That had to have been painful. I hate that stuff for fencing.
    One of my daughter's favorite things when she went to Australia during high school was getting to meet some aboriginals and learning about their culture. She hit it off with one young man and I have a picture of them together somewhere. He's in his native dress and painted up because they did a show about their music and dance. It would seem that the native people of any land the Europeans decided to claim didn't fare well. So sad, but I'm not sure there's a perfect solution. Human history seems to have always been about one culture conquering another.

    1. Yep, I'm a fence hopper from WAY back.
      That's so cool that you and your daughter got to spend time in Australia.
      Australian Aboriginals were almost annihilated, as were the native Americans of all the Americas. No one should be pointing fingers, true. But the White European was probably the worst of the lot. And the list goes on...

  3. Your answer to 44 brought back memories - Moody Blues was the first ever concert I went to, almost 40 years ago!

    1. They can really put on a show can't they, Dana. I love them to bits!

  4. I felt too old for this meme, too. I am pleased beyond reason, why I do not know, that we wear the same color watch.

    1. CountryDew, I'm chuffed, too. We share so many things, including part of our Ancestry. I'm always amazed to have met someone with a mother who looked so much like my own photos. She didn't have Native American ancestors but did share an ancestry name, it's 70 kinds of wonderful. I think of you as a cousin. 💞

  5. Hi Zippi! I loved your answers! I have an aging dog also I am spending more time with as well. I hate that they leave us so quickly. I do not have much time with mine left. Enjoy that time!
    Have a nice week!

    1. And I loved yours. I'm delighted that you are a teacher!
      I'm glad you are posting here...
      Ah, yes, My daughter once told me, "They live a long time, but they don't live long enough.." Wolfie is going blind very quickly. So, we are cuddling him more and will not be moving any furniture. That's what the vet said, no moving furniture!
      Enjoy your last two weeks before school starts...


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..