"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Bloggers and Knitters and Trolls, oh my!

This is funny until you realize, she isn't knitting at all.  But, anyway, you get the whole idea....

Speaking of things not being what they seem......

To Anonymous:  To answer your question:  Anyone can build a blog.  It's dead easy if you know how to read.
And, since what you said made NO sense because it just can't happen, I'm not sure how to help you.
However, I'll still apologize for being blunt. in case I've wrongly taken you for a troll or a hacker.

That's exactly why comments are moderated. 

Ta ta til the weekend.   


  1. Well, this is a curious post... I'm sure your response is moderate, in any case.

  2. Every once in awhile, an Anonymous post comment comes along that is quite weirdly worded. This one was current (as opposed to being made on something ten years old) so I have no idea who would be saying that Wordpress had anything to do with it.
    So, I try to figure out what they are saying but there is no link back to their blog, so it looks like a spam. Or a troll. and I hope that it isn't someone I know who is just asking a legitimate question about access. Answering here seemed like the best option. Safe and not inflammatory. Moderate, as you say.

  3. I dislike anonymous comments. On my blog, they are usually spam. This makes me curious to know which post they commented on.

    1. Hiya. Forgetfulone....as of today, they’ve commented on this post twice. As you know, it’s easy, usually, to tell. I have enabled mods because many of my long time readers can’t read or comment here if I set any other level besides Anonymous. Thanks for your comment. 🙏🏼

  4. I'm happy to be a blogger who gets to visit other bloggers.

    1. Thanks for your visit, Mia Celeste...🙏🏼 I pulled down my post because I’m just not very good at Thursday 13 🤯. I probably won’t be posting anymore of them..read, yes...🤓

  5. No Thursday 13? My Zippi, I love anything you write. And Thursday 13 is so non-linear that it really doesn't matter what you put up. Mwah.

    1. Thanks CountryDew.
      Maybe I'm in a fit of trying to figure out what I want to be from now on.

      I'm so tired of the political situation, with a whole Cadré of Right wing Religious nut jobs forcing out any other dialog anywhere, I'm sort of watching what's happening in the memes. I really REALLY believe that religions have no business running this country, and yet I see a multiple pronged take over shaping up behind a totally inadequate and venal human being. So, it's making me sick.
      Let's just say, I'm having trouble being jolly anymore. I'd just like to slap them all silly and be done with it. So, that was "The Slap"... stay tuned.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..