"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Live like you were dying....

From the Gal herself!

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Readers:  Like to see other Entries? Go HERE

 Live Like You Were Dying (2003)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) This song is about a man whose father advises him to live life to the fullest, to become "the friend you'd like to have." How about you? Are you the friend you'd like to have?
That's something that's really tough for me to quantify.  I'm probably too introverted to always be there for someone else, which is a quality that is supposed to be one of the finest ones in a friendship.  So, I reckon the answer to this is ultimately, No.  I've had some great friends, and think of anyone I meet anywhere as having the potential to be a friend.  idk... I rarely meet someone I don't like for some reason or other.  But they are out there, "Rarely" not meaning, "Never"...

2) The song lists several "bucket list" items: skydiving, mountain climbing, riding a bull. Have you done any of those things? Would you like to? 
I haven't done any of those things.  And, no.  The things I want to do don't involve risking bones or death.

3) In the music video, Tim McGraw is wearing a white button-down shirt, blue jeans and a cowboy hat. Which of those items is in your wardrobe?
Blue Jeans, I have a thick sort of panama hat that is the shape of a Gaucho Hat.  Does it count?

4) He wears a cowboy hat because he is embarrassed by the size of his forehead. When you wear a hat, are you more likely doing it for style, like Tim, or for protection from the elements?
Protection from the Elements.

5) McGraw's biological father was Tug McGraw, pitcher for the Mets and Phillies. How did your baseball team do this season?
I have no idea at all.  Padre Fever is Behind me these days. 

6) Tim McGraw and wife Faith Hill live just outside of Nashville. They enjoy inviting friends over to sit around a bonfire, drinking beer and playing guitars. Tell us about the most recent gettogether you had with friends.
The Rockhounds get together at Christmas and that's the last one we got to.

7) Tim likes his tattoos. He admits his silliest one -- a leprechaun wearing a cowboy hat -- was acquired during a night of drinking. Do you have a tattoo? If so, are you glad you have it and would you get it again?
No tats.  Sorry to be so dull.

8) In 2003, when this song was popular, the supersonic Concord took its last flight. When did you most recently board a plane? What was your destination?
It was so long ago that I can't remember it.  I think it was when I flew back down to San Diego after visiting my girls when their daddy was out of town.

9) Random question: When did you last walk around the house naked?

Two weeks and two months ago.  I stupidly tried to walk through the kitchen to get something from the dining room table after showering.  My feet were barely wet but down I went.  Big bruise on my temple, Broken, dislocated (humerus) shoulder and broken elbow.  I'm still healing. 
This Poor Gal! I know how she feels.  I'd give a lot to just have those 30 seconds back so as to rethink it all before I nearly killed myself. lol

"Laissez le bon temps rouler!!"


  1. The fall sounds terrible. I hope you were able to get up by yourself. Worse, for me, would be having to have someone GET me up in that condition!

    1. "Respect any potentially slippery surface" is now my MANTRA. It was bad but the hit head worried me the most. Happily, "Old Ironsides" stood the test. I got up by myself after Mr. Z brought towels and blanket to give me a grip, as he just couldn't safely lift me by one arm.

  2. Ooh ooh ooh. That sounds painful. Dislocated shoulder, bruise to head and a broken elbow. All at once. That sounds excruciating. Glad you are on the mend!

    1. Thank you so much, my friend.
      Every Day in Every way, it gets better.
      The shoulder was broken too, and there-in lies the irony. I was on my way to get a skin wash from the dining room table that I should have taken into the shower in prep for the operation three days from that day. It was to re-attach the rotator cuff tendon. *rolls eyes*

  3. Oh my goodness, Zippi! That was a terrible fall. I'm glad you are recovering and I hope it's going well with everything healing as it should.

    1. Thanks Stacy. I'll be back to square one any week now. lol
      *let's try that again! This time with music!*

  4. I am a dull, tatt-free gal, too. Glad you're on the mend, and think it's wonderful that view everyone as a potential friend.

    1. Hi Gal. You are ANYthing but dull... Thanks for the good wishes, and yes, everyone on earth, breathing the air, is a potential friend. Not all of them are going to pass the Non-Criminality test, but they all have potential. lol

  5. Living alone I fear falls or health issues

    1. I hear you, Diana. Without DH here, I would have had to crawl to my cell phone half a mile (exaggeration) away to get help. May we all be safe!

  6. Now, Zippi--with or without tattoos you are FAR from dull! ;)

    1. It is kind of you to say this, Kwizgiver. If I don't keep this chaotic mind busy every minute of the day, it thinks of anarchistic things to do to ... Politicians, unrepentant parsons,etc.
      *thinks the list is long enough* ;O)

  7. Gosh, Zip. I had a feeling you'd taken a spill but I didn't realize it was that bad. I am so glad you're doing better. Now I will be more careful when I'm running around in my altogether.

    1. CountryDew, Please do be careful. And may my experience, be a lesson for everyone with any sort of slippery floor. I'd dried my feet but they were evidently just enough damp to cause this. This will never happen again. It's taken it's toll. My Joie de vivre took a little trip to the south side of hell.

  8. Your fall sounds so scary. I am glad you are ok. You are not dull because you do not have tattoos. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


    1. Thanks Lori, and you are sweet!
      About tats: I always thought I'd have a small tat of butterfly on my ankle, but alas. It's a young person's wish. I'm just too old to stand the self-inflicted PAIN!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..