"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thursday Thirteen: What if...

1. What if you could silence another human with a look, the way that Darth Vader can?  Would you do it?  Out of spite, anger or just for fun?

2. What if the world were really just a flat disc?  Would you sail to the edge to see what you could see?

3. What if you could eat trees?  The wooden parts I mean.   What sauce would you serve with it?

4. What if a human infant could walk and then run almost from the moment it was born.

5. How radical would it be if No building could ever be taller than two stories because of some newly arisen law of Physics that made it impossible?

6. What if a Politician could never EVER tell a lie?  What would be the consequences if they couldn't?  

7. What if humans had been genetically engineered to be eaten by aliens?

8. What if our sun gave off purple light?

9. What if dreams were the true reality, and life was a dream-state?

10. What if  Dogs could talk and even were especially good at Lying?

11. What if  all water were pink, and not blue.  Would we still like it?

12. What if  Humans had longer tails?  (We actually to have a little curled up tail at the base of our spine.)  Would we like our  tails, and lavish special attention upon them, like bows and furbelows.

13. What if gravity stopped working at the same time every day.  Would it be like a balloon going up in to the upper atmosphere, but then everything would come crashing down again when it started again?  Would it be OK is it was only for a second or two so nothing got too far up?  


  1. I would love #6 to be true and I sometimes think #9 is!

    1. Agree. Wouldn’t it be a massively different world if 6 were true? And about 9, like you, sometimes I’m sure it 9 is. Enjoy the day, Colleen. 👍🏻

  2. What an interesting bunch of questions. I agree with Colleen! I wish #6 were true.

    1. Thanks, CountryDew. Maybe it will be true someday? Lol..as if!
      Then we could go after business leaders with our “magic wands”. *cackles*

  3. I don't like thinking that dogs may be especially good at lying. I'm okay with them spinning a really good yarn. :-) #13 got me wondering if you're a physics professional. All of your questions got me thinking. Not an easy feat.

    1. Why thank you very kindly. I'm kind of a Jack Kerouac "Stream of Consciousnesses" writer/thinker.
      I agree about Dogs. They should never be saddled with that very human trait of lying. ;o) Let them spin yarns!
      No, I'm not a pro of anything, just a thinker/muse. The Stars have always been fascinating, since I grew up outside of big cities and could see so many. My bro and I used to lie on our backs and look up and wish something would come and take us away!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..