"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Blogger's fix for YouTube work around in HTML didn't work

I tried several weeks ago, as soon as the trouble arose in the system, to insert the code that would solve the problem with not being able to embed YouTubes.  Since  I'm a good HTML wrangler, I thought, "No problem, I'll just insert the code that was suggested.  Trouble is, it didn't fix anything. Bah! 

 I know there is an HTML fix offered by some coder on the web, but I tried it from the getgo and couldn't get it to work.  It has since disappeared. 


Now that I have used Blogger's new interface for a couple of weeks there is apparently, no going back, since the switch that used to appear in the side bar in my editor is no longer there.


  1. I'm having some issues with the new blogger. Not thrilled with it.

    1. CountryDew reached out with a solution that I'm going to try ASAP! Things like this always set my fuming in that a platform can't seem to get it right when they roll something out. I mean it's not a minor thing, and it hasn't been corrected even by now.

  2. The old interface has been discontinued so we have no choice. One tip is that you can format HTML to space it out by clicking the 3 lines button on the toolbar. It didn't work very well on my iPad though.

    1. We certainly don't have any choice now but then Blogspot was cut free -finally- from Google quite awhile ago; so I guess this upgrade was overdue.
      What CountryDew told me worked for a vevo, not sure yet for any other YouTube, but it's a five step thing.

      1.Go to YouTube and copy the embed code for the thing you want to insert.
      2. Open a new post.

      3. Go to the HTML editor version of the edit browser.

      4. There will be a tiny line of code. Just plug in the code you copied right after the last character in that little line of code.

      5. Switch back to your readable version of the blogger editor to finish your post.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..